Naval VAMOSC Release Notes

Please Note: Naval VAMOSC data sources and providers have categorized the submitted data as Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) therefore all data contained, presented, and extracted from the VAMOSC database is now considered CUI. It is the responsibility of all users to ensure information extracted from Naval VAMOSC is appropriately marked and properly handled in accordance with DoD Instruction 5200.48. If you are not sure of the safeguards necessary for the information, contact your functional lead or Information Security Officer.

30 January 2025v24.0.2

Ships Universes
Ships Universe
FY24 data updates from the following sources:
Public Shipyards (Puget Sound, Pearl Harbor, Norfolk, and Portsmouth NSYs, as well as Yokosuka Shipyard Repair Facility (SRF) - Note: includes back-year updates back to FY19
Private Shipyards (FDRMC Naples, SWRMC, SUPSHIP Gulf Coast, SUPSHIP Groton, SERMC, SUPSHIP Newport News, Puget Sound and Pearl Harbor NSYs [COAR 47])
Navigation Systems Equipment Rework updates from NAVSUP WSS
Advanced Planning and Procurement updates from SUBMEPP and SURFMEPP
Other Fleet Modernization updates from PEO SUB
Detailed Ships Universe
FY24 data updates from the following sources:
Public Shipyards (Puget Sound, Pearl Harbor, Norfolk, and Portsmouth NSYs, as well as Yokosuka Shipyard Repair Facility (SRF) - Note: includes back-year updates back to FY19
Private Shipyards (FDRMC Naples, SWRMC, SUPSHIP Gulf Coast, SUPSHIP Groton, SERMC, SUPSHIP Newport News, Puget Sound and Pearl Harbor NSYs [COAR 47])
Advanced Planning and Procurement updates from SUBMEPP and SURFMEPP
Other Fleet Modernization updates from PEO SUB

6 January 2025v24.0.1

Ships Universes
(Note: Observed 1.0 and 3.0 costs will be very low. This is because VAMOSC has not yet published Military Personnel or Depot Maintenance costs to the Ships universes yet)
Ships Universe
FY24 data updates from the following sources: Ship List updates from OPNAV N9IS, Data updates from various program offices (Engineering & Technical Services, Commercial Industrial Services, Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment, Equipment Rework, Outfitting and Spares, Fleet Modernization, Advance Planning and Procurement, etc), Ammo expenditure updates from NAVSUP Ammunition Logistics Center, Steaming Hours and Fuel Consumption and Cost updates from NEURS, Submarine Fuel Cost updates from SUBLANT, O&S cost updates from CFMS-C, OARS and NDE Modernization updates
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Detailed Ships Universe
FY24 data updates from the following sources: Ship List updates from OPNAV N9IS, Data updates from various program offices (Fleet Modernization, Advance Planning and Procurement), Ammo expenditure updates from NAVSUP Ammunition Logistics Center, Steaming Hours and Fuel Consumption and Cost updates from NEURS, Submarine Fuel Cost updates from SUBLANT, OARS and NDE Modernization updates
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY24 data updates from the following sources: Ammo expenditure updates from NAVSUP Ammunition Logistics Center, O&S cost updates from CFMS-C, OARS updates
FY23 OARS data updates
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates

2 December 2024v24.0

Ships Universes
Military Sealift Command
FY24 data updates from the following sources:
MSC Ship List from OPNAV N9IS
MPS Ship Cost data from MGPS
Ship Personnel counts from MSC N11
Steaming Hours and Fuel Consumption/Cost data from MSC N7
MSC Ship O&S Cost data from MSC N82
MPS Receipt, Segregation, Storage, and Issue (RSSI) Cost data from NAVSUP Ammo Logistics Center
MPS Ammo Transportation Cost data from USMC Blount Island Command (BIC)
Aviation Universes
Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY24 data
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Plus Universe

30 October 2024v23.3.1

Ships Universes
FY18-22 Program Office Cost & Count data updates from the VAMOSC Shipboard Systems Universe
Military Sealift Command
FY12-19 cost removal for EPF-1CL ships that had not yet been delivered to MSC during the FY in which the costs were being reported
FY23 correction to Ship UIC for T-EPF-0013 Apalachicola (to be in line with its current FY24 UIC)
Shipboard Systems
FY18-22 Program Office Cost & Count updates from resolution of discrepancies in data for certain systems in the Ship Configuration and Program Office Cost & Count folders
Weapons System Report (WSR) Universe
FY20-FY22 2.2 [CAPE 20 CES] Training Munitions and Expendable Stores costs and counts were removed from the JDAM and AIM-9X weapon systems. Our Air Launch Weapons Systems data provider confirmed these cost and counts data were submitted to NVAMOSC in error
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY22-FY23 5.2 [CAPE 20 CES] Software Maintenance and Modifications PRE cost allocations were updated to include the previously omitted VH-92A TMSs

30 September 2024v23.3

Ships Universes
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization quarterly data updates
FY21-22 data updates from CFMS-C
FY17-18 Fuel cost data updates using DLA Fuel Rate/NEURS Barrel Count calculation method
Detailed Ships
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization quarterly data updates
FY17-18 Fuel cost data updates using DLA Fuel Rate/NEURS Barrel Count calculation method
Military Sealift Command
FY23 OARS quarterly data updates
FY21-22 data updates from CFMS-C
Shipboard Systems
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization quarterly data updates
FY23 Private Shipyard Planning Estimate data updates from MARMC and SWRMC
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY22 Aviation Military Unit-Level Personnel data were updated to remove costs and counts that were not attributable to the F-16s from UIC 63407 Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC) based on the F-16 Program Office SME inputs
FY22-FY23 Element 4.4.1 Program-Related Logistics [CAPE 20 CES] costs were reprocessed based on the F-16 and F-5 Program Office SME inputs and with corroboration from our data provider, removing costs that had been erroneously attributed to these TMSs

29 August 2024v23.2.2

Ships Universes
Ships Universe
FY23 Private Shipyard data updates (availability type corrections)
FY22 Public Shipyard data updates from Norfolk and Puget Sound Naval Shipyards
Detailed Ships Universe
FY23 Private Shipyard data updates (availability type corrections)
FY22 Public Shipyard data updates from Norfolk and Puget Sound Naval Shipyards
CNO Availability Number updates for various SSBN availabilities in Public and Private Shipyard data across multiple years
Ship Depot Availability Universe
FY23 Private Shipyard data updates (availability type corrections)
FY22 Public Shipyard data updates from Norfolk and Puget Sound Naval Shipyards
FY04-16 Public and Private Shipyard data updates for various SSBN
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY22 Public Shipyard data updates from Norfolk and Puget Sound Naval Shipyards
Aviation Universes
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY23 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs were added using the latest annual submission provided by the JSF JPO. Additionally, FY17-FY22 1A9A cost data inputs were updated using the latest inputs provided by the JSF JPO.
FY23 Aviation Military Unit-Level Personnel data were updated to remove costs and counts that were not attributable to the F-16s from UIC 63407 Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC) based on the F-16 Program Office SME inputs
 Note: Personnel costs and counts from Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC), that are attributed to the F-16s may be overstated in VAMOSC and are currently being investigated in conjunction with the F-16 program office.
FY23 Aviation I-Level Military Personnel data were updated to remove costs and counts that were not attributable to the T-6s for UIC 60508 Naval Air Station Whiting Field and only include applicable maintenance personnel.

30 July 2024v23.2.1

Ships Universes
Ships Universe
FY20-23 LCS Maintenance Execution Team (MET) O&S Labor cost updates
Aviation Universes
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY22-FY23 4.3.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Sustaining/Systems Engineering - Navy Engineering and Technical Services (NETS) costs were incorrectly attributed to F-16 and F-5 TMSs. These costs have been removed and were redistributed as applicable to the rest of the TMSs reported in VAMOSC.
 Note: FY23 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs have not been provided by the JSF JPO and are currently unavailable
Weapons System Report (WSR) Universe
FY22 2.2 [CAPE 20 CES] Training Munitions and Expendable Stores costs and counts were removed from the JSOW weapon system. The JSOW program office cost data provider confirmed the provided data was incorrect.

27 June 2024v23.2

Ships Universes
Ships Universe
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization quarterly data updates
FY21 LCS-0001 and LCS-0002 Ship Status and cost data updates from various sources
FY22-23 Advance Planning and Procurement data updates for various CVN hulls
Detailed Ships Universe
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization quarterly data updates
FY21 LCS-0001 and LCS-0002 Ship Status and cost data updates from various sources
FY22-23 Advance Planning and Procurement data updates for various CVN hulls
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization quarterly data updates
Removal of all Fuel cost data from the universe (see Shipboard Systems User Manual for more details)
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY23 OARS quarterly data updates

30 May 2024v23.1.2

Aviation Universes
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY23 Annual cost data updates to the following: 4.3.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Sustaining/Systems Engineering - Navy Engineering and Technical Services (NETS), and Element 4.3.2 Sustaining/Systems Engineering - Contractor Engineering and Technical Services (CETS).
   Note: FY23 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs have not been provided by the JSF JPO and are currently unavailable.
FY23 Aviation Military Personnel and Military Training Personnel data were updated to remove costs and counts to F-16s from UIC 69190 Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center NSAWC, NAS Fallon (Naval Air Station Fallon). These costs and counts being removed were already reported from UIC 63407 Naval Aviation Warfare Development Center.
   Note: Personnel costs and counts from Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center NSAWC, NAS FALLON that are attributed to the F-16s may be overstated in VAMOSC and are currently being investigated in conjunction with the F-16 program office.
FY23 Aviation Military Personnel data were updated to add Navy and Marine Personnel costs and counts to the F-5N and F-5F from UIC 55242 - VMFT-401 RUC 03007/ MCC S8D.
Ships Universes
Ships Universe
FY12-23 Ship List data updates
FY20-23 Field Change Installation data updates
FY23 NAVSEA Other FM data updates
FY23 Submarine Fuel Cost data updates
FY23 Private Shipyard data updates
FY22 Advanced Planning and Procurement data updates
FY23 Anomalies & Deficiencies updates
Detailed Ships Universe
FY12-23 Ship List data updates
FY23 NAVSEA Other FM data updates
FY23 Submarine Fuel Cost data updates
FY23 Private Shipyard data updates
FY22 Advanced Planning and Procurement data updates
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY23 Anomalies & Deficiencies updates
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY23 Anomalies & Deficiencies updates

30 April 2024v23.1.1

Ships Universes
Ships Universe
FY19-23 CFMS-C data updates to capture additional POL costs
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY19-23 CFMS-C data updates to capture additional POL costs
Weapons System Report (WSR) Universe
4.7.5 CAPE 20 CES and its respective sub-elements was renamed to Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Services Management (prior to FY22) to reflect that VAMOSC no longer reports 4.7.5 CAPE 20 CES costs in WSR.

28 March 2024v23.1

FY23 GDPPI Factors updated across all VAMOSC Universes that utilize Constant Year Dollars (Ships, Military Sealift Command, Shipboard Systems, Military Personnel, Civilian Personnel, Aviation Type-Model-Series 86-96, Aviation Type-Model-Series 97-Present and Weapons System Reporting Universes)
Ships Universes
Depot Availability Universe
FY23 Ship List updates from the Detailed Ships Universe
FY22-24 CNO Avail List data updates from NAVSEA Navy Data Environment (NDE)
FY19-23 Public/Private/SRF shipyard data updates from the Detailed Ships Universe
Note: We have observed lower than expected Public Shipyard costs in DepotU for FY2022, and we are re-examining the data in an attempt to correct it.
Ships Universe
FY23 LCS Seaframe Sustainment data updates from PMS 321
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Detailed Ships Universe
FY23 LCS Seaframe Sustainment data updates from PMS 321
FY20-23 LCS Mission Modules per Hull data updates
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY23 OARS data updates
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY23 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Aviation Universes
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY23 Aviation Military Personnel and Military Training Personnel data were updated to remove Navy Personnel costs and counts from the CH-53E from UIC 00029 MARINE AIRCRAFT GROUP 29 (MAG-29).
Please note the following
FY23 4.3.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Sustaining/Systems Engineering - Navy Engineering and Technical Services (NETS), and Element 4.3.2 Sustaining/Systems Engineering - Contractor Engineering and Technical Services (CETS) are currently unavailable.
FY23 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs have not been provided by the JSF JPO and are currently unavailable.
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Universes
WSR Universe
Annual Update: WSR was updated with FY23 data
Please note the following:
  The VAMOSC WSR data processes and methodologies were updated in FY23 to represent yearly O&S costs more accurately. Because of this, WSR costs for FY23 and onward may be higher when compared to previous years.

12 March 2024v23.0.4

Annual Update: Universe updated with FY23 data
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present Data Universe
Please note the following:

FY23 4.3.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Sustaining/Systems Engineering - Navy Engineering and Technical Services (NETS), and Element 4.3.2 [CAPE 20 CES] Sustaining/Systems Engineering - Contractor Engineering and Technical Services (CETS) are currently unavailable.
FY23 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs have not been provided by the JSF JPO and are currently unavailable.
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY22 5.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Hardware Modifications or Modernization - Modification Kits and Installs costs for the E-2C and E-2D were updated to more accurately reflect allocated costs between these two TMSs, associated with BLI 0544.
FY22 Aviation Military Personnel and Military Training Personnel data were updated to capture missing costs and counts from FRS Marine Squadron - (VMFAT-502) at MCAS Miramar associated to the F-35B.
FY20-FY22 4.1 [CAPE 20 CES] System Specific Training was updated to capture missing costs and counts from the Naval Aviation Schools Command (NASC).
FY21-FY22 Elements 2.2 [CAPE 20 CES] Training Munitions and Expendable Stores data from UIC 09930 - VQ-1 FLEET AIR RECON SQUADRON 1 - was updated to correct cost allocations associated to the P-8A and P-3C.
FY22 [CAPE20 CES] Contractor Depot Repair � Engine data was updated to include two cost line items, J85-GE-21C and 250-C47E, associated to F-5F, F-5N, and MQ-8C.

29 February 2024v23.0.3

Ships Universes
Shipboard Systems
FY23 Ship Configuration, Personnel Required per System, Program Office Staffing, NEC-System, CIN-system, Software Metrics, and Program Office Cost & Count data updates from various program offices (includes FY21/22 Program Office Cost & Count updates from PEOC4I. 61720)
FY23 Private Shipyard Planning Estimates from SERMC
FY23 Ammo, Fuel, OARS, NDE Modernization, and Public Shipyards data updates from the VAMOSC Detailed Ships Universe
FY20-23 Training data updates from the VAMOSC Military Training Universe
FY20-23 Training data updates from the VAMOSC Military Training Universe
FY23 Public Shipyard Overhead data updates from NAVSEA
FY21-23 Program Office Cost & Count data updates from the VAMOSC Shipboard Systems Universe
Detailed Ships
FY20-23 Training data updates from the VAMOSC Military Training Universe
FY23 Public Shipyard Overhead data updates from NAVSEA

31 January 2024v23.0.2

Annual Updates: Universes Updated with FY23 Data
Military Training Universe
Ships Universe
Personnel data updates from the Military Personnel Universe
LCS Mission Module Package data updates from PEO USC
Anomalies and Deficiencies updates
Detailed Ships Universe
LCS Mission Module Package data updates from PEO USC
Military Sealift Command Universe
Personnel data updates from the Military Personnel Universe
Anomalies and Deficiencies updates
Military Training Universe
FY20-FY22 Cost/Counts were reprocessed to capture missing costs and counts from the following Learning Centers: Naval Aviation Schools Command, Center for Surface Combat Systems, Center for Surface Combat Systems-International, and Surface Warfare Schools Command.

05 January 2024v23.0.1

Annual Updates: Universes Updated with FY23 Data
Civilian Personnel (CIVPERS) Universe
Infrastructure (CNIC Folder) Universe
Military Personnel (MILPERS) Universe
Ships Universe
Ship List data updates from OPNAV N9IS
Engineering & Technical Services (ETS), Commercial Industrial Services (CIS), Equipment Rework, Aircraft Launch & Recovery Equipment (ALRE), Publications, Outfitting & Spares, Advance Planning & Procurement, and Other Fleet Modernization data updates from several sources
Ammo Handling data updates from Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division (NSWCCD)
Public and Private Shipyard data updates from multiple NSYs, RMCs, SUPSHIPs, and the Yokosuka SRF
Ammo expenditure costs from NAVSUP Ordnance Information System (OIS)
Steaming Hours, Fuel Consumption, and Fuel Cost data updates from Navy Energy Utilization Reporting System (NEURS)
Various data updates from Standard Accounting, Budgeting, and Reporting System (SABRS)
OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Detailed Ships Universe
Ship List data updates from OPNAV N9IS
Advance Planning & Procurement and Other Fleet Modernization data updates from several sources
Public and Private Shipyard data updates from multiple NSYs, RMCs, SUPSHIPs, and the Yokosuka SRF (includes updates to the Disposal folder)
Ammo expenditure costs from NAVSUP Ordnance Information System (OIS)
Steaming Hours, Fuel Consumption, and Fuel Cost data updates from Navy Energy Utilization Reporting System (NEURS)
OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Military Sealift Command Universe
Ammo expenditure cost updates from NAVSUP Ordnance Information System (OIS)
Various data updates from Standard Accounting, Budgeting, and Reporting System (SABRS)
OARS data updates
Ships Universe/Detailed Ships Universe/Shipboard Systems Universe
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY22 OARS data updates

30 November 2023v23.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY23 data
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Plus Universe
Infrastructure (iNFADS Folder)
Military Sealift Command
MSC Ship List
Maritime and Geographic Prepositioning Section (MGPS) from HQMC
MSC Personnel Counts from MSC N11
MSC Steaming Hours, Fuel Consumption, and Fuel costs from MSC N712
MSC ERP cost data from MSC N82
Receipt, Segregation, Storage, and Issue (RSSI) costs from NAVSUP GLS
MPS Ammo Transportation costs from USMC Blount Island Command (BIC)
Ammo expenditure costs from NAVSUP Ordnance Information System (OIS)
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY22 3.4.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Government Depot Repair cost data updates have been completed. The data provider, COMFRCHQ, reported that in previous years the source of data for annual submission was Defense Industrial Financial Management System (DIFMS), but starting in FY22 the source of data is now Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

5 October 2023v22.3.1

Ships Universes
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
FY20-22 LCS Sustainment data updates. The LCS program office identified disconnects in the data sources and assumptions used on expenditure data. Upon review of the data and discussions with the contractor adjustments were required to the processing Ground Rules & Assumptions to more accurately reflect the costs. Overall costs were adjusted as follows: FY20 reduction of $24.6M in total costs, FY21 reduction of $398.9M in total costs, FY22 reduction of $233K in total costs.
Detailed Ships
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
FY20-22 LCS Sustainment data updates. The LCS program office identified disconnects in the data sources and assumptions used on expenditure data. Upon review of the data and discussions with the contractor adjustments were required to the processing Ground Rules & Assumptions to more accurately reflect the costs. Overall costs were adjusted as follows: FY20 reduction of $24.6M in total costs, FY21 reduction of $398.9M in total costs, FY22 reduction of $233K in total costs.
Shipboard Systems
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Military Sealift Command
FY22 OARS data updates

30 August 2023v22.2.2

Ships Universes
Shipboard Systems
FY18-22 VACM system cost and count data updates
FY13-22 Anomalies & Deficiencies data updates
Detailed Ships
FY18-22 Private Shipyard data updates from SWRMC
FY18-22 Private Shipyard data updates from SWRMC
FY18-22 Program Office Cost & Count updates from Shipboard Systems
Depot Availability
FY18-22 Private Shipyard data updates from SWRMC

25 July 2023v22.2.1

Ships Universes
Military Sealift Command
FY19-22 SABRS data updates (changes can be observed in CAPE 20 cost elements 2.4 - Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel and 3.1 - Consumables)
FY22 Ship List data updates to correct Ship Class Codes for several hulls
Shipboard Systems
FY22 System Information, NEC, and CIN folder data updates to restore data for many systems
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY22 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs were added using the latest annual submission provided by the JSF JPO. Additionally, FY14, FY15, FY17 and FY21 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs were updated using the latest inputs provided by the JSF JPO.
Element 4.4.1 Program-Related Logistics [CAPE 20 CES] FY20-FY22 were reprocessed after receiving an updated Cost to TMS mapping. This impacted all TMSs reported in ATMSR, and resulted in allocating more costs directly to a TMS, providing more accurate cost reporting.
Please note the following:
FY22 3.4.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Government Depot Repair cost data updates are currently unavailable. These cost data are being assessed due to the source of data used by our data provider being changed from DIFMS to ERP.

29 June 2023v22.2

ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY17-22 Military Training costs and counts were updated to remove improperly included P-8A costs/counts from detachment UIC 09461 PATWING-11 NAS.
FY22 Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) costs were reprocessed to redistribute costs associated with UIC 09461 PATWING-11 NAS going to the P-8A to now be allocated between the P-8A and MQ-4C.
FY22 Aviation Military Personnel and FY22 Military Training were updated to remove improperly included MV-22B and CH-53E costs and counts from two UICs, 00026 MAG-26 and 00232 MAG-16.
Please note the following:
FY22 3.4.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Government Depot Repair cost data updates are currently unavailable. These cost data are being assessed due to the source of data used by our data provider being changed from DIFMS to ERP.
FY22 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs have not been provided by the JSF JPO and are currently unavailable.
Ships Universes
Detailed Ships
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
FY22 LCS-0001 Disposal data updates
FY21 Public Shipyard data updates to remove duplicated SRF costs
FY15-22 Ship List data updates (normalization/correction of descriptive data for various hulls)
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
FY20-22 Field Change cost data updates
FY21 Public Shipyard data updates to remove duplicated SRF costs
FY15-22 Ship List data updates (normalization/correction of descriptive data for various hulls)
FY13-22 Anomalies & Deficiencies data updates
Removal of contractor/non-gov't user restrictions (see Ships User Manual for more details)
Ships Depot Availability
FY21-23 CNO Availability List data updates
FY22 Public Shipyard data updates
FY17-22 Private Shipyard and SRF data updates
Military Sealift Command
FY22 OARS data updates
FY13-22 Ship List data updates (normalization/correction of descriptive data for various hulls)
Shipboard Systems
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
FY21 Public Shipyard data updates to remove duplicated SRF costs
FY15-22 Ship List data updates (normalization/correction of descriptive data for various hulls)

30 May 2023v22.1.2

ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY22 Mods Kits and Installs costs for CH-53 E and K were updated to more accurately reflect allocated costs between these two TMSs, associated with BLI 0528.
FY17-22 Aviation Military Personnel were updated to remove improperly included P-8A costs/counts from detachment UIC 09461 PATWING-11 NAS.
FY22 Aviation Military Personnel & FY22 Military Training costs and counts were updated to account for missed costs and counts for MQ-4C personnel associated with organization B31 VUP-19 DET MUGU.
Please note the following:
FY22 3.4.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Government Depot Repair cost data updates are currently unavailable. These cost data are being assessed due to the source of data used by our data provider being changed from DIFMS to ERP.
FY22 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs have not been provided by the JSF JPO and are currently unavailable.

27 April 2023v22.1.1

Military Sealift Command
FY22 GDPPI factor updates
Detailed Ships
FY22 Public Shipyard Overhead data updates
FY14-FY22 Shiplist data updates
FY22 Public Shipyard Overhead data updates
FY22 SABRS non-fuel data updates
FY22 Fuel (NEURS) data updates
FY22 GDPPI factor updates
Shipboard Systems
FY22 Program Office data updates
FY22 Public Shipyard Overhead data updates
FY22 GDPPI factor updates
ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY22 GDPPI factor updates
Three Organizational Codes and one UIC were redesignated from REG to FRS in FY22. These redesignations affected the F-35B, CMV-22B, and TAV-8B TMSs.
Please note the following:

FY22 3.4.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Government Depot Repair cost data updates are currently unavailable. These cost data are being assessed due to the source of data used by our data provider being changed from DIFMS to ERP.
FY22 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs have not been provided by the JSF JPO and are currently unavailable.
ATMSR 86-96 Data Universe
FY22 GDPPI factor updates
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Data Universe
FY22 GDPPI factor updates

30 March 2023v22.1

Ships Universes
Military Sealift Command
FY22 Aviation Ground Support Equipment data updates
FY22 Civilian personnel cost data updates from MSC N82 ERP data provider
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Detailed Ships
FY22 LCS Sustainment data updates
FY20/22 LCS Mission Module data updates
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
FY22 LCS Sustainment data updates
FY20/22 LCS Mission Module data updates
FY22 Multicrew data updates
FY22 SABRS non- fuel updates
FY22 Fleet Ballistic Missile weapons system cost updates
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Shipboard Systems
FY22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Annual Update: Universe updated with FY22 data
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present Data Universe
Please note the following:
FY22 3.4.1 [CAPE 20 CES] Government Depot Repair cost data updates are currently unavailable.
FY22 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs have not been provided by the JSF JPO and are currently unavailable.
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 86-96 Data Universe updated with CY22, CY23, CY24 Escalation Factors

28 February 2023v22.0.4

Military Personnel Universe (Annual Update)
FY22 Anomalies & Deficiencies
Ships Universes
Shipboard Systems:
FY22 Program Office data updates
FY22 Private Shipyard Planning Estimate data updates
FY22 EIC/ESWBS/NALC data dictionary updates
FY22 data updates from other VAMOSC universes (Ammo, Fuel, OARS, NDE Modernization, Public Shipyards, Training)
FY14/18/19 Program Office Cost & Count updates for the MT-30 Gas Turbine Engine system
FY21/22 NAVSEA Other FM data updates
FY22 USMC Personnel data updates from the VAMOSC Military Personnel Universe
Detailed Ships:
FY21/22 NAVSEA Other FM data updates

13 February 2023v22.0.3

Annual Update: Universe updated with FY22 data
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Universe
These WSR updates include the realignment of CAPE20 CES data elements in coordination with weapon systems program offices data providers and leveraging completed Sustainment Reviews feedback.

31 January 2023v22.0.2

Personnel Universe (Annual Update)
FY22 Civilian Personnel Costs and Counts
FY22 Military Training Costs and Counts
Ships Universes
FY22 Private Shipyard data updates
FY22 Advance Planning and Other FM data updates
FY22 Training data updates from the Military Training Universe
FY22 NPS-1 and NPS-2 data updates (ETS, Equipment Rework, Ammo Handling, Outfitting and Spares)
FY19-20 Outfitting and Spares data updates
Detailed Ships:
FY22 Private Shipyard data updates (includes Disposal data)
FY22 Advance Planning and Other FM data updates
FY22 Training data updates from the Military Training Universe

05 January 2023v22.0.1

Personnel Universe (Annual Update)
FY22 Military Personnel Costs and Counts
Ships Universes (FY22 Annual Update & December 2022 Quarterly Update):
Military Sealift Command
FY22 MSC Steaming Hours and Fuel Consumption/Cost data updates
FY22 Ammo data updates
FY22 Personnel data updates from the VAMOSC Military Personnel Universe
FY21/22 OARS data updates
Detailed Ships
FY22 Ship List data updates
FY17-22 Public Shipyard/Ship Repair Facility data updates (FY22 only for SRF Yokosuka, FY17-21 data not updated for Norfolk and Puget Sound NSYs)
FY21/22 Private Shipyard data updates
FY22 Ammo data updates
FY22 NEURS Steaming Hours and Fuel Consumption/Cost data updates
FY22 Advance Planning and Other FM data updates (partial)
FY21/22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
FY22 Ship List data updates
FY22 Personnel data updates from the VAMOSC Military Personnel Universe
FY17-22 Public Shipyard/Ship Repair Facility data updates (FY22 only for SRF Yokosuka, FY17-21 data not updated for Norfolk and Puget Sound NSYs)
FY21/22 Private Shipyard data updates
FY22 Ammo data updates
FY22 NEURS Steaming Hours and Fuel Consumption/Cost data updates
FY22 O&S data updates from various providers, including Advance Planning, Other FM, CIS, Engineering & Technical Services (ETS), Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment (ALRE), Publications, Equipment Rework - (partial)
FY21/22 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates
Shipboard Systems
FY21 OARS and NDE Modernization data updates (will update with FY22 data when SSR is ready for Annual Update release)

29 November 2022v22.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY22 data
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Plus Universe
Infrastructure (CNIC and iNFADS Folders)
Military Sealift Command (Partial)
Ship List updates for MSC, RRF, and Contract ships
Maritime Prepositioning Ships (MPS) cost data for MSC ships
MSC Ship Personnel counts
MSC N82 Operating and Support costs from ERP
Missile/Torpedo Receipt, Segregation, Storage, and Issue (RSSI) cost data
MPS Ammo Transportation cost data

3 November 2022v21.3.2

Ships Universes
Ships/Detailed Ships/Shipboard Systems
FY21 NEURS LANT cost and count updates
Corrected the DFM Underway costs and counts for several hulls

10 October 2022v21.3.1

Ships Universes
Detailed Ships / Ships
FY21 Other FM cost updates for LHA and LHD class ships
Class allocated costs were previously being calculated incorrectly
FY21 Ship descriptive information updates
Updated information for several ships that had incorrect values for the Full Fiscal Year attribute

29 September 2022v21.3

Ships Universes
Detailed Ships, Ships, Military Sealift Command, and Shipboard Systems
FY21 OARS and NDE Modernization Quarterly Updates
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present Data Universe
FY21 FHP cost and count data inputs were updated using new business rules regarding the Flight Hour Cost Report (FHCR). Claimant G and Schedule R records will be allocated zero flight hours, but will use the flight hours in the submission for calculating other allocations in the process.

31 August 2022v21.2.2

Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present Data Universe
FY21 FHP cost and count data inputs were updated using a new 12-month Flight Hour Cost Report (FHCR). Beginning in FY21 onwards, Claimant G (NAVAIR-NAVAIRSYSCOM) records with zero flight hours and Schedule R (Naval Aviation Maintenance Center of Excellence (NAMCE)) records with zero flight hours will be included in the costs and counts being reported.
Ships Universes:
Ship Depot Availability
FY21 CNO Availability List update
FY21 Public Shipyard, Private Shipyard, and SRF data updates (includes updates to back-year Mission Funded shipyard data)
Military Sealift Command
FY17-20 UIC updates for ESB-3 class ships
FY17-20 cost/count updates for ESB-3 class ships
Captured additional MILPERS costs and counts for blue/gold crews identified on ESB-3 ships
Detailed Ships
FY17-20 Public Shipyard data updates
Reverted FY17-20 data from Norfolk and Portsmouth shipyards to values received in FY20 data submission
FY17-21 Public Shipyard Overhead data update
Includes changes from FY17-20 Norfolk/Portsmouth updates as well as restoration of FY21 Puget Sound Overhead Costs
FY17-20 UIC updates for ESB-3 class ships
UIC changes in Ordnance folder (no actual cost changes)
Additional costs captured in OARS O&I Maintenance folder
FY17-20 Public Shipyard data updates
See note above in Detailed Ships section regarding reverted data for Norfolk and Portsmouth shipyards
Shipboard Systems
FY17-20 Public Shipyard data updates
See note above in Detailed Ships section regarding reverted data for Norfolk and Portsmouth shipyards
FY17-20 UIC updates for ESB-3 class ships
UIC changes in Program Office Costs & Counts (no actual cost changes)
Personnel Universe
Civilian Personnel Universe
FY22- Removed Critical Acquisition Position Indicator Object from Production (VAMOSC is no longer publishing CIVPERS Acquisition Codes)

28 July 2022v21.2.1

Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present Data Universe
FY16-FY20 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs were updated using the latest inputs provided by the JSF JPO

30 June 2022v21.2

Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
FY21 F-35 1A9A annual submission data inputs were added. Please note the following: FY21 F-35 1A9A anomalies and deficiencies have been updated to present important cost details related to CAPE20 Element 4.3.2 Sustainment/Systems Engineering - CETS including costs for Pilot Flight Equipment, ALIS, and Sustainment Support
FY14-FY19 Aviation Military training costs were updated for the T-45 to remove costs originating from Squadron UIC 09251 RUC/MCCs with Marine Enlisted student personnel
FY19 and FY21 Aviation Military Personnel costs and counts were updated to remove NAS Kingsville UIC 60241 which had been incorrectly associated to maintainer costs of the T-45
Ships Universes
FY21 OARS and NDE Modernization quarterly updates
FY17-21 Public Shipyard data updates (includes Mission Funded back-year updates from Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Pearl Harbor shipyards)
FY21 Shipyard Repair Facility data updates
FY21 UIC and Personnel cost updates for ESB-3 class ships in the Military Sealift Command Universe
FY20-21 Field Change cost updates
FY21 Other FM (Subs) cost updates

31 May 2022v21.1.2

Infrastructure Data Universe
FY21 Annual Update CNIC folder data

29 April 2022v21.1.1

Ships Universes:
Detailed Ships
FY21 Public Shipyard and SRF data updates (SRF Yokosuka, Puget Sound NSY, Pearl Harbor NSY, Norfolk NSY, Portsmouth NSY)
FY21 Public Shipyard Overhead data update
FY21 OARS quarterly data update
FY21 Program Office Cost and Count update from SSR
FY21 Private Shipyard FDRMC Availability data update
FY21 Public Shipyard and SRF data updates (SRF Yokosuka, Puget Sound NSY, Pearl Harbor NSY, Norfolk NSY, Portsmouth NSY)
FY21 Public Shipyard Overhead data update
FY21 OARS quarterly data update
Shipboard Systems
FY21 Public Shipyard and SRF data updates (SRF Yokosuka, Puget Sound NSY, Pearl Harbor NSY, Norfolk NSY, Portsmouth NSY)
FY21 Public Shipyard Overhead data update
FY21 OARS quarterly data update
Military Sealift Command
FY21 OARS quarterly data update
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
FY21 Element 5.1.2 [CAPE 20 CES] Modification Installs, and Element 5.1.1 Modifications Kits [CAPE 20 CES] costs were updated to correct errors being reported to costs across multiple TMSs and to correctly allocate costs for BLI Codes 0502, 0505, 0515 to F/A-18 TMSs.
FY20 Element 5.1.2 [CAPE 20 CES] Modification Installs, and Element 5.1.1 Modifications Kits [CAPE 20 CES] costs were reprocessed to correct errors to how BLI 0598 and Subhead Y5BA costs were allocated.

31 March 2022v21.1

Naval VAMOSC has shifted to using a single inflation index, the GDP Price Index, to make Then Year Dollar to Constant Year Dollar calculations. These factors are found in Table 10.1 - Gross Domestic Product and Deflators Used in the Historical Tables: 1940-2028 on the White House Website and replaced the Joint Inflation Calculator which provides raw appropriation escalation indices. This applies to the following universes and their respective Corporate Documents:
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 86-96
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Military Personnel
Civilian Personnel
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR)
Military Sealift Command
Shipboard Systems
Ship Depot Availability Universe
Ships Universes
(Note: Due to changes in the raw data source, OARS data will not be updated as part of this quarterly release)
NDE Quarterly Updates
Detailed Ships:
NDE Quarterly Updates
Shipboard Systems:
NDE Quarterly Updates
FY21 Annual Update � Program Office system information and cost/count data for the following systems: AN/BLQ-10 Electronic Support Measures (ESM), AN/BRD-7 Electronic Countermeasure Set, AN/WLR-8 Countermeasure Receiving Set, AN/USC-38 EHF SATCOM, MK-2 Ship Self Defense System (SSDS)
(Note: Program Office Cost and Count data for the systems listed above has not yet been rolled up into the Ships Universe)

6 March 2022v21.0.3

Ships Universes
FY20-21 LCS Sustainment package data update
FY21 LCS Multicrew data update
FY21 SABRS data update
Detailed Ships
FY20-21 LCS Sustainment package data update
Shipboard Systems
FY21 Annual Data Update
Infrastructure Data Universe
FY21 iNFADS and MCICOM folders annual update data (FY21 CNIC data will be available at a later date)
Weapons System Report (WSR) Universe
FY21 Standard Missile data is available based on the latest inputs from the data provider
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
FY18-20 Aviation Military Personnel & FY20 Military Training costs and counts were updated to account for missed costs and counts for MQ-4C personnel associated with organizations WG6 VX-20 TRITON and B32 VUP-19 LRE DET 7

3 February 2022v21.0.2

Ships Universes
FY21 Annual Data Update
FY21 Personnel data from Military Personnel Universe
FY21 Training data from Military Training Universe
FY21 data from Detailed Ships Universe (Ammo, Fuel, Public/Private Shipyards, etc)
FY21 OARS/NDE Modernization data update
Detailed Ships
FY21 Training data from Military Training Universe
Military Sealift Command
FY21 Fuel cost data from C3003 data input
FY21 Air Ground Support Equipment data from M3005 data input
FY21 Personnel data update from Military Personnel Universe
Update to Ship Unit Identification Code for T-ESB-0005 Miguel Keith
FY21 Anomalies & Deficiencies
Military Training Universe
Processed FY21 MTU Annual Data Update
Military Personnel Universe
Processed FY21 Anomalies and Deficiencies
Reprocessed FY21 Marine Corps PCS Costs
Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY21 data
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Universe (FY21 Standard Missile data will be available at a later date)
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
FY21 Flight Hours loaded in NAMSR Plus and NAMSR
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
FY19 Commercial Operations and Maintenance of Simulators (COMS) data was updated to include E-2, H-60, and the WESTPAC trainers' costs

29 December 2021v21.0.1

Effective immediately, Naval VAMOSC will no longer have functionality to calculate Any Constant Year Dollars for query outputs. Outputs will be available in Then Year Dollars, and three fixed Constant Year amounts. Naval VAMOSC will also be making adjustments to how it handles calculation and presentation of Constant Year Dollars within its business intelligence system. In the near future � near the end of March 2022 � Naval VAMOSC will shift to using a single inflation index (the GDP Price Index) to make Then Year Dollar to Constant Year Dollar calculations. In the past, raw appropriation escalation indices were used, which resulted in a Constant Price output for personnel-based indices only.
Annual Updates
FY21 Military Personnel - Costs and Counts
FY21 Civilian Personnel - Costs and Counts
Detailed Ships Universe
FY21 LCS Seaframe Sustainment Costs
FY21 Private Shipyard Folder Cost Updates
FY16-21 Public Shipyards 5 Year Mission Funded Refresh
FY21 Fuel and Operational Metrics Folder Updates
FY21 OARS Quarterly Update
FY21 NDE Modernization Quarterly Update
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY21 Military Personnel Costs and Counts
FY21 OARS SCR Update

30 November 2021v21.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY21 data
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR) Universe

12 October 2021v20.3.1

Ships Universes
FY20 Field Change Installation data
FY17-19 Field Change Installation data updates
FY19-20 Anomalies and Deficiencies updates

30 September 2021v20.3

Ships Universes
Detailed Ships:
OARS/NDE Quarterly Updates
OARS/NDE Quarterly Updates
FY20 Program Office Costs and Counts from Shipboard Systems
Military Sealift Command:
OARS Quarterly Update
Shipboard Systems:
OARS/NDE Quarterly Updates
FY20 Program Office Cost and Count Data updates for the MK-2 SSDS, MK-7 AEGIS, AN/USG-2 CEC, and AN/USG-3 CEC systems
FY20 Anomalies & Deficiencies
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present Data Universe
FY19-FY20 CAPE20 Element 4.1 System-Specific Training updates were made to remove costs being reported to TMSs not found in the Aircraft Inventory Readiness and Reporting System (AIRRS) for these FYs
FY19-FY20 Flying Hour Program (FHP) Costs and Counts were added to the C-130J, CMV-22B, and MQ-4C TMSs that were previously omitted

9 July 2021v20.2

CAPE 2020 Cost Element StructureThe following Universes have been updated to the CAPE 2020 Cost Element Structure:
Aviation Type Model Series (ATMSR) 86-96
Aviation Type Model Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Military Sealift Command
Shipboard Systems
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR)
Depot Availability
FY20 Public Shipyard Overhead
Detailed Ships
OARS/NDE Quarterly Updates
FY20 Public Shipyard Overhead
OARS/NDE Quarterly Updates
FY20 Public Shipyard Overhead
Military Sealift Command
OARS Quarterly Updates
Shipboard Systems
FY20 Public Shipyard Overhead Costs
FY20 Submarine Combat Systems Program Cost and Count Data (AN/BYG-1 Submarine Combat Control System and MK-2 Combat Control System)
OARS/NDE Quarterly Updates
Military Personnel
FY14 PCS Cost and Count Updates

26 May 2021v20.1.2

Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present Data Universe
FY14 - FY20 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs were updated for CAPE 14 CES Elements 4.3 Sustaining/Systems Engineering, and 4.4 Program Management using the latest annual submission provided by the JSF JPO
FY17 - FY20 Aviation military personnel cost and count data was updated to properly align VMX-22 (redesignated VMX-1 in May 2016) with Yuma, AZ UICs and capture VMX-22 military personnel costs and counts that were previously unreported

30 April 2021v20.1.1

Joint Inflation Calculator Updates
The following Universes were updated to include the most recent PB22 Joint Inflation Calculator inflation indices
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 86-96
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Military Personnel
Civilian Personnel
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR)
Military Sealift Command
Shipboard Systems
Ship Depot Availability Universe
Detailed Ships Universe
FY20 Shipyard FMP Data Folder Updates
  - FMP Other Direct Costs and FMP Other Allocated Costs updated with Carrier Data
Ships Universes
FY20 Other FM Costs (Carriers)
Shipboard Systems
FY20 AN/URC-107 Program Office Cost and Count Data
FY20 MT-30 Program Office Count Data
FY20 VACM Cost and Count Data
FY20 Training Costs for AN/USG-2 and MK-2
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present Data Universe
FY20 F-35 1A9A annual submission data inputs were added
FY14-FY19 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs were updated using the latest annual submission provided by the JSF JPO
FY20 Government Depot Repair - Engine Rework Costs were updated to capture F/A-18 Engine data that was previously omitted
FY20 MODS (KITS/INSTALLS), CETS-NETS, PRL, PRE, Modification Spares, and Support Equipment were updated to remove costs associated with RDT&E Aircraft
FY20 Military Personnel costs and counts were updated to include Marine Personnel from VMFA-122 (RUC/MCC - 01122/VF2) that were determined to be attributable to the F-35B

31 March 2021v20.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY20 Data
Shipboard Systems Universe
Depot Availability Universe
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY16-FY19 Public Shipyard Updates
FY19 Fuel Costs
Ships Universe
OARS and NDE FY20 Quarterly Updates
Updated FY20 LCS Seaframe Costs
FY19-FY20 SABRS Costs
FY19-FY20 Fuel Costs
Detailed Ships Universe
OARS and NDE FY20 Quarterly Updates
Addition of FY19 and FY20 Fuel Cost Measures **New Feature**
Updated FY20 LCS Seaframe Costs
Military Sealift Command Universe
OARS and NDE FY20 Quarterly Update

26 February 2021v20.0.3

Detailed Ships Universe
FY20 LCS Mission Module Data
Ships Universe
FY20 Third Party Planning Costs
FY20 Outfitting and Spares Costs
FY20 LCS Mission Module Costs

29 January 2021v20.0.2

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY20 data
Military Training Universe
Ships Universe
NAMSR Flying Hours
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Please note the following:
FY20 F-35 1A9A submission is still pending. ATMSR will be updated once this data is received
FY19 Commercial Operations and Maintenance of Simulators (COMS) data is still pending for E-2, H-60, and the WESTPAC trainers' data
Military Personnel Universe
FY20 Anomalies and Deficiencies processed into universe
Military Training Universe
FY18 and FY19 update to correct Personnel UIC and Ultimate UIC codes in alignment with corrections made to the Military Personnel UIC codes in FY19 data
Detailed Ships Universe
FY19-FY20 Military Training Costs and Counts
FY20 LCS Seaframe Sustainment Costs
FY20 Private Shipyard Folder Cost Updates
FY20 Fuel and Operational Metrics Folder Updates
Ships Universe
FY19 Military Training Costs and Counts
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY20 Military Personnel Costs and Counts
FY20 Aviation Ground Support Equipment Costs

31 December 2020v20.0.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY20 data
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Universe
Infrastructure Data Universe - CNIC Folder
Detailed Ships
Military Personnel Universe
Civilian Personnel Universe
Weapons System Report (WSR) Universe
FY19 updates for CAPE 14 element 4.4.2 Maintenance Management/Core Costs for weapon systems Standard (SM-6) and Standard (2MR, RIM - 66) based on the latest inputs from the data provider
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY19 OARS Quarterly Update
FY20 MSC Fuel Costs
FY20 OARS SCR Update
FY20 Update to Contract Mariner data
Detailed Ships and Ships Universe
FY19 OARS Quarterly Update
FY19 NDE Modernization Quarterly Update
FY15-19 Public Shipyards 5 Year Mission Funded Refresh
FY18-19 Puget Sound Private Shipyard Mission Funded Update

30 November 2020v20.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY20 data
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR) Universe
Infrastructure Data Universe � iNFADS and MCICOM folders
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
FY19 CETS-NETS data was processed with the latest inputs from the data provider

29 September 2020v19.3

Ships, Shipboard Systems, and Detailed Ships Universes
FY19 NDE Modernization Quarterly Update
FY19 OARS September Quarterly Update
Additionally for Shipboard Systems and Ships
FY17-19 Ship Self Defense System (SSDS) Updates
Additionally for Ships
FY19 Littoral Combat Ship multi-crew personnel updates (LCS-0005 and LCS-0007)
Additionally for Military Sealift
FY19 OARS September Quarterly Update

Annual Updates: METEOR updated with FY18 data
Civilian Personnel Model
Navy Personnel Model
Marine Corps Personnel Model
Navy Ships Model
Aircraft Squadrons Model
METEOR updated with FY18 Indirect cost data from the following sources
Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 7041.04, "Estimating and Comparing the Full Costs of Civilian and Military Manpower and Contract Support"
Naval VAMOSC Infrastructure Indirect Cost Analysis
Naval VAMOSC indirect cost allocations of Department of the Navy�s Program Budget Information System (PBIS) data
Other METEOR updates
All Models updated with the PB21 Joint Inflation indices as provided by the Joint Inflation Calculator (JIC)
All Models except for the Civilian Personnel Model have been updated to account for changes to the VAMOSC MILPERS - Universe in FY18 (see VAMOSC release notes on home page)
The Civilian Personnel Model has been updated to account for file structure changes from the data provider that were made to the VAMOSC CIVPERS Universe in FY17 and FY18 (see VAMOSC release notes on home page)
The following Indirect cost factors are no longer included for all models: 6.1 Base Support, Administration

Naval VAMOSC Uncertainty Analysis
The VAMOSC program, managed by the Naval Cost Agency (NCA), has developed both a VAMOSC Ship and Aircraft Uncertainty Analysis Tool to help provide typical observances of uncertainty within the VAMOSC data for specific OSD CAPE O&S cost elements. The tools and additional information are available on our website at at the bottom of the left sidebar, VAMOSC tools section. Note this tool is only available for users with a Naval VAMOSC account

27 August 2020v19.2.2

USMC Ground Equipment Universe
FY19 USMC Depot folder data

30 July 2020v19.2.1

NAMSR Plus Data Universe
Updated NIIN nomenclature data, in the Part Specific Data folder, previously reported as �UNKNOWN�. This update had no impact on reported cost or count data.

29 June 2020v19.2

Detailed Ships and Ships Universes
FY18-19 Pearl Harbor data identified in Public Shipyard that needed to be moved to Private Shipyard
FY18 Puget Sound Mission Funded Refresh added to Private Shipyards
FY19 Multi-Award Contract Multi Order, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quality data added to Private Shipyard for MidAtlantic Regional Maintenance Center
FY16-19 3rd Party Planning Costs added to Advanced Planning and Procurement
Additionally for Ships, Shipboard Systems and Detailed Ships Universes
FY19 NDE Modernization Quarterly Update
FY19 OARS June Quarterly Update
Additionally for Military Sealift Command Universe
FY19 OARS data quarterly
Personnel Universes
FY19 Navy Reserve Designator code updates to correct data based on new file organization from provider
FY19 PCS corrections to recover some Navy PCS records that were not captured during the FY19 Annual Update
FY19 UIC corrections for transition of file format 6-digit codes into the 5-digit codes used in VAMOSC
Civilian Personnel Universe
FY17 data update to account for file structure changes from provider
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) Data Universe
FY16-FY19 Aviation military personnel count and cost data was updated to remove NAS Kingsville UIC 60241 which had been wrongfully associated to maintainer costs of T-45 aircraft
FY16-FY19 Aviation military personnel count and cost data was updated to reallocate counts from Type/Model/Series that had enlisted mission personnel wrongfully assigned to them
FY19 Aviation military personnel data was updated to account for a data processing correction using UIC 6-digit codes file format into 5-digit codes format (see Military Personnel Universe updates for June 2020)
FY16-FY18 Aviation military personnel data updates made to correct PCS costs and counts for Marine Corps personnel (see Military Personnel Universe updates for December 2019)
NAMSR Plus YTD Data Universe
FY20 Q1 and Q2 NAMSR data is available in a new universe to users upon request. Please contact to request access to the new universe.
USMC Ground Equipment Data Universe
TAMCN MCBUL Status field was removed from the Depot, Ammo, and Inventory folders
An update in the Ammunition Folder was made to correct an issue where costs per round were aggregated when querying for DODICs that have multiple records associated to them

28 May 2020v19.1.2

Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) Data Universes
FY19 FHP data inputs were added using the latest CNO FHP data
FY14-FY18 F-35 1A9A cost data inputs were updated using the latest annual submission provided by the JSF JPO
FY16-FY18 Temporary Duty costs were updated to correct allocations costs to Marine records that were incorrectly associated with Navy aircraft, the overall cost was not impacted
USMC Ground Equipment Data
FY19 USMC Inventory and Ammo folder data updated

04 May 2020v19.1.1

Depot Availability, Detailed Ships and Ships Universes
FY19 Puget Sound Private Shipyard
Additionally for Detailed Ships and Ships Universes
FY17-FY19 LCS Mission Module, with new cost mapping
Additionally for Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY19 SSR Program Office Cost and Counts update for AN/USQ-82 DMS system
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) Data Universes
FY19 F-35 1A9A Costs were updated
FY19 Temporary Additional Duty Assignment (TAD) costs were updated
FY16-FY17 Aviation military personnel data was updated to remove a RUC/MCC for Marine student personnel that were determined not to be applicable for the T-45C

31 March 2020v19.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY19 data
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
NAMSR Flying Hours Folder
Please note the following:
FY19 ATMSR Flying Hour Program (FHP) costs were not available at the time of release. We continue to work with the community to resolve and will release once the data is available. Not having FHP FY19 cost data impacts several cost elements including �Subtotal Organizational Operation Regular and FRS Costs (e.g. AVDLR, Transportation of Things),� �Regular and FRS and Barrels of Fuel Consumed,� and �Regular and FRS Contractor Logistics Support Costs,� thus, greatly impacting overall costs across all aircraft platforms
FY19 F-35 1A9A submission is still outstanding. ATMSR will be updated once this data is received
FY19 CETS-NETS data is currently unavailable, awaiting additional inputs from data provider
FY19 Temporary Additional Duty Assignment (TAD) costs are currently unavailable
FY19 Commercial Operations and Maintenance of Simulators (COMS) data is currently unavailable for E-2, H-60, and the WESTPAC trainer's data
Additionally, for ATMSR 97-Present Data Universe
FY18 Aviation military personnel data was updated to remove a RUC/MCC for Marine student personnel that were determined not to be applicable for the T-45C
FY18 and FY19 Planned Aircraft Counts Folders have been updated
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY19 OARS data quarterly update
FY19 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Additionally for Shipboard Systems and Ships
FY15-18 Program Office Cost & Count updates for corrections on ship configuration
Additionally for Shipboard System Universe
FY 15-18 Ship Configuration Updates
Additionally for Military Sealift Command Universe
FY19 OARS data quarterly update

27 February 2020v19.0.3

Joint Inflation Calculator Updates
The following Universes were updated to include the most recent PB21 Joint Inflation Calculator inflation indices
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 86-96
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Military Personnel
Civilian Personnel
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR)
Military Sealift Command
Shipboard Systems
Ship Depot Availability Universe
Ship Universes
Detailed Ships, Shipboard Systems, and Ships Universe
FY19 Public Shipyard Overhead Update
Ships Universe
FY19 CIS/IDIQ Cost Update
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY14-FY18 Public Shipyard Overhead Update
FY19 Program Office Data Updates
Weapons System Report (WSR) Universe
FY19 JDAM cost updates for Naval CES elements 1005.1.1, 1005.1.2, 1005.2.1, and 1005.2.2

30 January 2020v19.0.2

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY19 data
Detailed Ships Universe
Depot Availability Universe
Ships Universe
Shipboard Systems Universe
Military Training Universe
Personnel and Training Universes
Military Training Universe
FY18 update to personnel GLCs from December 2019 Military Personnel Universe corrections
FY18 updated Ultimate UICs and Ultimate RUC/MCCs to capture new data from FY2019 Military Personnel Universe
FY18 captured additional courses for Center for Information Warfare and Center for Service Support
Civilian Universe
FY19 update to include recently received Acquisition Code Data (Position Category Code and Critical Acquisition Position Indicator)
Detailed Ships and Ships Universe
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
FY18 NDE modernization data quarterly update
FY17-18 LCS Seaframe sustainment data added
FY18 Advanced planning and procurement updated
Detailed Ships, Shipboard Systems, and Ships Universe
FY18 training data update
FY14-18 public shipyards 5 year Mission Funded refresh update
Ships Universe
FY17-18 NAVWAR field changes added
FY09-10 AS-39 Class Averages correction
Military Sealift Command Universe
Changed the name of the folder "MSC Expenditures" to "MSC (CAPE 14 CES)"

30 December 2019v19.0.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY19 data
Military Personnel Universe
Civilian Personnel Universe
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Universe
Ships Universes
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
FY19 Military Personnel Costs
FY19 OARS SCR Update
FY19 E.0 Hours and F.0 Barrels Update
Shipboard System Universe
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
FY18 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Military Personnel Universe
FY02-18 data updated to normalize formatting of Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) objects
FY18 data updated to capture Geographic Locator Codes (GLC) that were previously not being captured
FY13-18 data updated to correct PCS costs and counts for Marine Corps personnel
Civilian Personnel Universe
Beginning in January 2017, Functional Area Code is no longer reported
Major Occupation Code is no longer reported, replace by OCC which is available in the data
Added subfolder in the Civilian Personnel Universe for data that is no longer reported
FY18 to present country code was updated to use the new trigraph from the data provider
FY18 Locality pay rules were updated to account for OPM LPA annual changes
FY16 Functional Classification Codes of NULL corrected to 00 to align to other years
FY18 Language 1 and 2 objects were modified to account for the new trigraph format
FY18 data were updated to correct data that changed due to a change in the underlying file format at DMDC
FY18 OCC data updated to account for new 4-digit OCC transformed to five-digits to align with historical codes
Weapons System Report (WSR) Universe
FY18 Second Destination Transportation costs were updated based on the latest inputs from the data provider
Added analyst notes to Weapons System Report (WSR) beginning in FY18

26 November 2019v19.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY19 data
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Infrastructure Data Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR) Universe
Ships Universes
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY18 Update to Civilian Service and Contract Mariner counts

26 September 2019v18.3

Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
FY18 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Detailed Ships Universe
FY18 Military Training Data republished and updated to reflect Training Universe business rules
Ships Universe
FY18 Training costs updated to reflect Training Universe business rules regarding ultimate UICs
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR)
FY12-FY17 Modification Spares costs were updated with new data processing methodology from the provider
Infrastructure Data Universe
CNIC object for Budget Execution Sub-Activity (BESA) from SABRS that replaced STARS Installation UIC in FY2017 was mapped to FY2016 and prior data to allow analysis of BESA across all years

29 July 2019v18.2.1

Joint Inflation Calculator Updates
The following Universes were updated to include the most recent PB20 Joint Inflation Calculator dated April 2019
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 86-96
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Shipboard Systems
Military Sealift Command
Ship Depot Availability
Military Personnel
Civilian Personnel
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR)
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR)
FY17 Modification Spares costs were updated with new data processing methodology from the provider
Ships Universes
Shipboard Systems and Ships Universe
FY18 Program Office Data for MK-57 system added

27 June 2019v18.2

Infrastructure Data Universe
CNIC objects from SABRS that replaced STARS data objects in FY2017 were mapped to FY2016 and prior data to allow analysis of the SABRS objects across all years
Folder organization was adjusted to align with SABRS financial and organizational code hierarchies
A CNIC sub-folder was created with the STARS data that is no longer reported for FY2017 to present
Ships Universes
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
FY14-FY16 OARS data updated with data updates in the OARS 3M system
FY18 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Additionally for Ships, Detailed Ships, and Depot Availability Universes
FY09-FY18 Public Shipyard Overhead Data added from inputs from new data source provider, OPNAV N83
Additionally for Ships Universe
FY13-FY17 Equipment Rework � Gas Turbine Engines - Allison Engineering data removed based on feedback from the data provider
FY13-FY17 MILPERS data updated with 31 JAN 2019 updates in VAMOSC Personnel Universe
Additionally for Military Sealift Command Universe
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
FY14-FY16 OARS Data update
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR)
FY18 Modification Spares costs were updated with new data processing methodology from the provider
NAMSR Plus YTD Universe
FY19 Q1 and Q2 NAMSR data is available in a new universe to users upon request. Please contact to request access to the new universe.

04 June 2019v18.1.2

Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR)
FY14 and FY15 F-35 1A9A Costs were updated using the latest inputs from the data provider

03 May 2019v18.1.1

Ships Universes
Depot Availability Universe
Constant Year Dollar measures added for Public Shipyard, Private Shipyard, and Ship Repair Facility Data folders
USMC Ground Equipment Universe
FY13 - FY18 Inventory folder data was updated to show un-rounded 12-month average
FY13 - FY18 Ammunition folder data was updated to coincide with the update made to USMC Inventory
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR)
FY16 to FY18 F-35 1A9A Costs were updated using the latest inputs from the data provider
FY18 Organic Depot costs were updated using the latest inputs from the data provider

28 March 2019v18.1

Ships Universes
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
FY15-FY16 OARS data (Ashore Manhour) outlier correction rule updates
FY18 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Additionally for Ships and Detailed Ships Universes
Updated FY18 Other FM Data for DDG/CG ships
Added FY18 CNAP Planning and Procurement Data
Additionally for Shipboard Systems
FY10-FY17 Military Training data updates
FY18 Program Office Data for AN/USQ-82, AN/USC-38, and AN/SMQ-11 systems added
Additionally for Military Sealift Command Universe
FY18 OARS data quarterly update
Personnel Universes
Military Personnel
FY13-FY18 Career Sea Pay updated to capture a small number of personnel records identified as dropped during processing.
FY13-FY18 correction to DMDC metadata/non-cost objects removing entries for PCS costs that did not have other corresponding DMDC pay data
Military Training
Revised Ultimate UIC business rules to capture the resulting UIC up to six months from graduation but not including the graduation date UIC (previously included graduation date UIC as an option)
Removal of single graduate for course K-041-2048 in FY18 identified as a duplicate record
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR)
FY18 Modification Spares costs updated for the following TMS: CH-53E, CH-53K, KC-130J, MV-22B, and P-8A
USMC Ground Equipment Universe
FY13-FY17 Inventory Folder data updated with new inputs from new data provider
FY13-FY17 Ammunition Folder data was reprocessed based on updated inventory data
NSN Nomenclature added as a data element to the Depot Folder

1 March 2019v18.0.5

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY18 data
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Shipboard Systems
USMC Ground Equipment Data
Joint Inflation Calculator Updates
The following Universes were updated to include the most recent PB20 Joint Inflation Calculator
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 86-96
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Shipboard Systems
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR)
Updated FY17 and FY16 F-35 1A9A costs with updated inputs from the data provider
FY16 and FY17 ATMSR Military Personnel Costs and Counts updated to account for correction to RUC/MCCs used for Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) and incorporated updates to Military Personnel Universe data in January 2019
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
FY18 Flight Hours loaded in NAMSR Plus and NAMSR
USMC Ground Equipment Data
FY17 USMC Ground Equipment Depot data updated with updated submission from provider
Ships Universes
Detailed Ships Universe
FY18 Ship Training Data added
Detailed Ships and Ships Universes
FY10-FY17 Ships Training Data updated to reflect Military Training Universe and modified approach to allocating "Course Listing File only" courses

31 January 2019v18.0.4

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY18 data
Military Personnel Universe
Military Training Universe
Joint Inflation Calculator Updates
The following Universes were updated to include the most recent PB20 Joint Inflation Calculator
Military Personnel
Civilian Personnel
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR)
Military Sealift Command
Ships Universes
Military Sealift Command Universe
Addition of FY18 Military Personnel costs and counts
Detailed Ships and Depot Availability Universes
FY18 Private Shipyard Data added for Forward Deployed Regional Maintenance Center (FDRMC)
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Universe
FY18 cost reported against JDAM for elements 4.3.1 Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), and 4.3.2 Engineering/Technical Support were updated to reflect new data sent by the provider
Personnel Universe
Civilian Personnel Universe
FY18 Acquisition Code data was added to the database
Military Personnel Universe
Merged Military Personnel Monthly and Annual Universes into a single universe to facilitate analysis
Added Annual FTE count to a corporate document documenting the proper usage to minimize inaccurate extracts of the data in ad hoc queries and provide additional insights into the number of months used in calculating the values.
Revised processing rules for FY13-present to include DMDC Pay records that do not have a matching BUPERS record (to include costs previously being dropped)
Updated business rules resulting in additional costs captured for Nuclear Career Accession Bonus for FY2014-FY2017 as well as Nuclear Officer Accession Bonus for FY2013-FY2014
Updated business rules to remove Selected Reserve Critically Short Wartime Health Specialist pay from Reserve Component Incentive Program Pay and Special Pay - Medical Corps (Reserves) for FY2013-present that was identified as a potential duplication of data.
Added data for element Reserve Component Incentive Program Pay for active duty personnel that received the pay prior during a period where they were on active duty (or had an active duty personnel record)
Updated business rules to include Foreign Duty Pay for Active Duty Officers and Reserve Officers and Enlisted for FY2014-present (previously only reporting Active Duty Enlisted). Additionally, Foreign Duty Pay was added for all personnel for FY2013
Updated business rules to include Foreign Duty Pay for Active Duty Officers and Reserve Officers and Enlisted for FY2014-present (previously only reporting Active Duty Enlisted). Additionally, Foreign Duty Pay was added for all personnel for FY2013
Updated processing rules to no longer include Foreign Language Sum input from DMDC for FY2013 to present as it was determined this may result in duplication of costs already captured. Additionally, NCA added Foreign Language Proficiency Pay I and Foreign Language Proficiency Pay II for reservists for FY2013-present

28 January 2019v18.0.3

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY18 data
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR) Universe

02 January 2019v18.0.2

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY18 data
Ship Depot Availability Universe
Personnel Universes
FY18 Civilian Personnel Universe Military Service and average government benefit cost elements were updated with additional information from the provider

21 December 2018v18.0.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY18 data
Civilian Personnel Universe
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Universe
Detailed Ships Universe
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY17 OARS data quarterly update
FY17 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Additionally for Ships, Detailed Ships, and Depot Universes
FY13-FY17 Public Shipyard Mission Funded data Updated
Additionally for Military Sealift Command Universe
FY17 OARS data quarterly update
FY18 Aviation Ground Support Equipment (AGSE) Maintenance Data added
FY18 OARS data updated to reflect new Standard Composite Rate

30 November 2018v18.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY18 data
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Infrastructure Data Universe
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Ship Class added as an object within MSC.(Please note Ship Class is not prevalent in the MSC Universe and null values should be expected.)
The Detailed Expenditures folder now includes the full costs element structure.
Infrastructure Data Universe
FY17 and FY18 CNIC folder costs were updated with Cost Accounting Codes (CAC) descriptions from Standard Accounting, Budgeting, and Reporting System (SABRS)

01 October 2018v17.3

Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY17 OARS data quarterly update
FY17 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Updated element descriptions to include �Gov�t Only� for Contractor Restricted data
Additionally for Detailed Ships, Shipboard System and Ships:
FY07-12 NEURS data updated to shift source from OARS 3M to Fleet NEURS representatives including new monthly breakout (in Detailed Ships) and addition of OPCON for these years
Additionally for Ships:
Addition of P.9 Months in Unknown OPCON count element
Updated structure of F.0 Fuel Barrels Count Elements to align with the MSC count elements (aligning count elements across ship universes)
Additionally for Military Sealift Command Universe
FY17 OARS data quarterly update
Updated count elements to align with Ship Universe (aligning count elements across ship universes)

28 June 2018v17.2

ATMSR 97-Present Universe
FY14 and FY15 correction to COMS data (Element 4.3.2 Simulator Operations and Repair-Maintenance Trainers).
Infrastructure Universe
FY17 correction to MCICOM annual financial data and addition of Marine Corps Programming Codes (MCPC) to the annual release data.
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY17 OARS data quarterly update
FY17 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
FY17 NEURS biannual fuel update
Additionally for Shipboard System and Ships:
FY16-FY17 Program Office Updates for MK-31
Additionally for Detailed Ships
FY16 and Prior Year corrections to OARS O&I Level Exchanges Quantities
Additionally for Ships:
FY17 I1042 Field Changes Data deficiency resolved
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY17 OARS data quarterly update

16 May 2018v17.1.4

ATMSR 97-Present Universe
Correction to FY17 F-35B and F-35C Modifications Costs

01 May 2018v17.1.3

USMC Ground Equipment Universe
Updated Ammunition Expenditure folder with FY17 data
Updated "Organic Depot Total Obligated" costs and "Organic Depot Units Completed" in FY08, FY09, and FY13 for TAMCN E0947 based on updates from the data provider.

27 April 2018v17.1.2

Civilian Personnel Universe
FY17 Position Category Code and Critical Acquisition Position Indicator data released
Infrastructure Universe
FY16 and FY17 iNFADS Year Built records corrected for records showing years in the future

03 April 2018v17.1.1

Naval VAMOSC has upgraded to SAP Business Objects 4.2. Along with a new look and feel, there are significant speed and query improvements in this version. Use our Quick Reference Guide, How To Guide, and Getting Started Video to help familiarize yourself with these features. If you need any additional assistance, please contact us.

26 March 2018v17.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY17 data
Aviation Type Model Series Universe, F-35 data added
Infrastructure MCICOM folder, financial data update
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY17 OARS data quarterly update
FY17 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Additionally for Detailed Ships, Depot Availability, and Ships:
FY17 corrections to Private Shipyard data for Newport News received from the provider
Additionally for Ships:
FY17 Navigation Rework data added
Additionally for Shipboard Systems:
Program Office Staffing for AN/SPS-67 updated
Software FTE for GCCS-M updated
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY17 OARS data quarterly update

19 February 2018v17.0.3

Joint Inflation Calculator Updates
The following Universes were updated to include the most recent PB19 Joint Inflation Calculator
Military Personnel (Monthly and Annual)
Civilian Personnel
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR)
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 86-96
Aviation Type-Model-Series (ATMSR) 97-Present
Shipboard Systems
Military Sealift Command

01 February 2018v17.0.2

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY17 data
Military Training Universe
Ship Depot Availability Universe
Shipboard Systems Universe
Aviation Type Model Series Universe
Please note the following:
FY17 F-35 1A9A submission is still outstanding. ATMSR will be updated once this data is received. Please see the FY17 ATMSR Deficiencies Document for further details.
Pearl Harbor shipyard assignment to CNO-scheduled availabilities was called into question due to the start dates, completion dates and Availability number (COAR Ship Identifier number) not appearing to align with the business rules created by VAMOSC to map the data to availabilities. FY12-FY17 assignments were withheld from the Ship Depot Availability Universe during this release (January 2017) until NCA is able to confirm and reprocess the data.
"Any year" escalation capability
The following universes were updated to include the capability of escalating to any year available by the NCA Joint Inflation Calculator
ATMSR 97-Present
ATMSR 86-96
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY17 Military Training data addition
FY16 Military Training ultimate UIC annual data refresh
Additionally for Detailed Ships and Ships:
FY17 Private Shipyard data added for Newport News
Shift of data previously reported in the public shipyard maintenance folder identified as disposal for "MS" availability types within a year of decommissioning or as Moored Training Ship conversions to the Detailed Ships Disposal Data folder
Additionally for Detailed Ships:
Addition of a new Disposal Data folder containing Disposal data, Moored Training Ship (MTS) maintenance, and MTS Conversion data historically captured in the Disposal Corporate Document
Addition of new ships/activities with a custodian of OTHER now being tracked in the Ammunition folder as well as the Organizational and Intermediate Level Maintenance folder
Additionally for Ships:
FY17 Engineering and Technical Services data added for MidAtlantic Regional Maintenance Center
FY17 Engine Rework data added
FY17 Program Office Cost and Count data added
Additionally for Ships and Shipboard Systems:
FY15-FY16 Program Office Cost and Count data provider corrections
Additionally for Shipboard Systems:
FY12-FY16 Public Shipyard Annual Mission Funded Update
Military Training Universe
FY16 ultimate UIC annual data refresh
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Universe
FY17 Flight Hours loaded in NAMSR Plus and NAMSR
Weapon Systems Universe
Updated FY16-FY17 SLAM-ER Data was provided to the team
Updated FY17 JDAM Data was provided to the team
NOLSC-funded 2nd Destination Transportation Costs were reprocessed for FY16-F17

21 December 2017v17.0.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY17 data
Detailed Ships Universe
Ships Universe
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe FY17 Military personnel data
Military Personnel Universe (Monthly and Annual)
Civilian Personnel Universe
Infrastructure Universe:
     ▪ CNIC and iNFADS were updated with FY17 data
     ▪ MCICOM is scheduled for an annual update in January 2018
"Any year" escalation capability
The following universes were updated to include the capability of escalating to any year available by the NCA Joint Inflation Calculator
Ships Universe
Shipboard Systems Universe
Military Personnel Universe (Monthly and Annual)
Civilian Personnel Universe
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard System Universes
FY16 OARS data quarterly update
FY16 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Additionally for Detailed Ships and Ships:
FY12-FY16 Public Shipyard Annual Mission Funded Update
FY16 Advanced Planning/Procurement Annual Refresh
Additionally for Ships:
Addition of Public Shipyard and SRF DSA Mandays for FY00-FY17
FY16 Separation Pay and Accrued Leave Military Personnel Annual Refresh
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY16 OARS data quarterly update
FY17 OARS data Standard Composite Rate (SCR) update

30 November 2017v17.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY17 data
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR) Universe
Weapon Systems (WSR) Universe
"Any year" escalation capability
The following universes were updated to include the capability of escalating to any year available by the NCA Joint Inflation Calculator
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Weapon Systems (WSR) Universe

10 October 2017v16.3

The following release videos are provided as an overview for this release
Ships and Military Sealift Command Universes
Personnel Universes and METEOR
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY16 OARS data quarterly update
FY16 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
Additionally for Detailed Ships and Ships:
Ships that transferred from the Navy to MSC ("MSC Crossover ships") were adjudicated in Detailed Ships Ordnance folder (assigned to MSC)
MSC Crossover ships adjudicated in Detailed Ships Organizational and Intermediate (O&I) Maintenance folder, assigning based on the month/year of OARS record
Corrected OARS data for various job sequence numbers that were confirmed as updated or duplicated by the data provider
Additionally for Detailed Ships:
Ordnance and O&I Maintenance folders now include visibility of all Category/Custodians
O&I Maintenance folder expanded to include quantities
CIS/IDIQ removed from the O&I Maintenance folder as data not provided in further detail beyond what is displayed in the Ship Universe
Military Sealift Command Universe:
FY16 OARS data quarterly update
MSC Crossover ships adjudicated in O&I Maintenance and ammunition data
Military Personnel Universe
Updated FY14 Separation Pay and Accrued Leave Pay data in the Military Personnel (MILPERS) Annual Universe
  This update was implemented in order to correct an error and to match costs with Separation Pay and Accrued Leave Pay within the Military Personnel Monthly Universe
Annual Updates: METEOR updated with FY16 data
Civilian Personnel Model
Navy Personnel Model
USMC Personnel Model
Ships Model
Aviation Squadrons Model
These models can be accessed from the METEOR homepage, and their respective documentation is available here
Other METEOR updates
All Models updated to reflect changes to the most recent Joint Inflation Calculator
All Models (except Civilian Model) were updated with additional indirect cost factors. The Indirect cost factors are 6.1.1 Base Operations Support, 6.1.2 Base Communications, 6.1.3 Facilities Support, Family Housing, and Dependent Support Programs

30 August 2017v16.2.2

The following Universes were updated to include the most recent Joint Inflation Calculator's MILPAY Indices:
ATMSR 86-96
ATMSR 97-Present
Military Personnel Annual
Military Personnel Monthly
Shipboard Systems
Military Sealift Command

31 July 2017v16.2.1

Weapon Systems Universe
FY16 Expenditure Counts for Hellfire were updated to correct erroneous data from the original data submission provided to VAMOSC

30 June 2017v16.2

Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY16 OARS data quarterly update
FY16 NDE Modernization data quarterly update
FY16 NEURS data semiannual update
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY16 OARS data quarterly update
Aviation Universes
FY14 Updates to ATMSR Military Personnel Costs and Counts
FY14 Updates to ATMSR Military Training Costs
FY14-FY16 Updates to ATMSR F-35 1A9A Data Inputs

26 May 2017v16.1.1

Ships, Detailed Ships, and Depot Availability Universes
FY10-16 Depot Availability Universe updated for CVN data to include new CIAs
FY16 Field Change data added and FY15 Field Change data refreshed with most recent data [Ships Only]
Detailed Ships Private Shipyard folder structure updated to align with Public and SRF
Aviation Universes
FY15-FY16 Military Personnel Costs/Counts and Military Training Costs updated in ATMSR
NAMSR and NAMSR Plus have been redesigned
Addition of Type Equipment Code Classification field to NAMSR and NAMSR Plus
Military Training Universe
Added Ultimate RUC/MCC for FY10 - FY16 data
Added an element number structure for direct costs based on the current MILPERS element number structure (All Models)
Added the CAPE element number structure for indirect costs (All Models)
Updated escalations using the PB18 Joint Inflation Calculator (All Models)

31 March 2017v16.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY16 data
Inflation tables for all universes were updated with the PB18 Joint Inflation Calculator
Ship Depot Availability Universe*
[*Note: We are working to capture CVN CIAs in the Ship Depot Universe and will release FY10-16 data for CVNs one complete (expected in April 2017)]
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY16 OARS data quarterly update
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY16 OARS data quarterly update
FY16 NDE modernization data quarterly update
FY10-16 Ship Military Training process updated
FY15-16 Ship Systems Program Office Costs & Counts missing data, corrections, and subsequent processing to Ships and Detailed Ships
FY16 WSN-7 Navigation Rework [Ships Only]
FY16 Newport News Planning Estimates [Ship Systems Only]
USMC Ground Equipment Universe
Addition of FY14-16 "Quantity Funded" data to the Depot Maintenance Folder
Military Training Universe
Updates made to FY10-16 Ultimate UIC
NAMSR and NAMSR Plus Universes
Correction to FY15 AVDLR Costs
ATMSR 97-Present Universe
Updates were made to FY15-16 Aircraft Counts and Averages
Updates were made to FY16 Personnel Costs and Counts
Partial addition of FY16 Component Repair Costs fo F-35
Addition of FY16 Commercial Engine Rework Costs for F-35

31 January 2017v16.0.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY16 data
Ships Universe
Shipboard Systems Universe
Aviation Type Model Series Universe
Military Personnel Annual Universe
Military Personnel Monthly Universe
Military Training Universe
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY16 Military Personnel Data for MSC
FY16 OARS Standard Composite Rate updated
Updated data anomalies and data deficiencies
Detailed Ships Universe
FY16 LCS Program Office Sustainment and Mission Package data
FY16 Private Shipyard data for Puget Sound and Newport News
FY16 Fuel data updated with additional input received from the provider
Ships Universe
FY13-FY15 Fuel counts and costs updates to Fleet Submissions
FY15 LCS Mission Packages cost type remapping
FY15 MILPERS annual data refresh
FY15 correction to ship publication data
Updated data anomalies and data deficiencies
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY11-15 Public Shipyard mission funded annual refresh
Updated data anomalies and data deficiencies
Aviation Type Model Series Reporting Universe
FY03-FY15 Modification Spares Update
FY13-FY15 Commercial Engine Rework and Interservice Engine Rework Update
FY13-FY15 Program Related Logistics Update for E-6B
Implementation of new Training Costs process going back to FY15
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Universes
Addition of FY16 Flight Hours

23 December 2016v16.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY16 data
Detailed Ships Universe
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
NAMSR Plus Universe
NAMSR Universe
WSR Universe
Civilian Personnel Universe
USMC Ground Equipment Universe (Depot, Ammo, Inventory)
Infrastructure Universe
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY15 OARS data quarterly update
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY15 OARS data quarterly update
FY15 NDE Navy Modernization data quarterly update
FY14-15 Lower level breakout of Ship Repair Facility (SRF) Yokosuka data [Detailed Ships, Ships]
FY11-15 Annual refresh of public shipyard mission funded data [Detailed Ships, Ships]
FY13 and FY15 Annual refresh of Advanced Planning and Procurement data [Detailed Ships, Ships]
FY13-15 Data source shift for NEURS data from OARS 3M to Fleet NEURS inputs [Detailed Ships]
NAMSR Plus/NAMSR Universes
FY15 No Defect Removal Counts updated to remove duplication

8 November 2016v15.3.1

Military Training Universe
Released a new universe called "Military Training Universe". This universe includes Navy and Marine Corps training costs and student counts by course information and personnel information (occupation, UIC, etc.) for FY10 - FY15
All Government users will have access, and contractors can contact to request access.
Military Sealift Command Universe
Shifted Anomalies and Deficiencies into a separate folder for a common user interface
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY15 Ship Status and Ship Classification update
Corrected FY93-FY06 data duplication with unknown hulls when performing hull-level analysis (system-level analysis not affected)
Depot Availability Universe
Addition of Ship Class Flight/Block

September 2016v15.3

Aviation Universe
Updated escalation formulas to use O&MN/LF (Composite) vs. O&MN (Purchases) for Interservice costs. Impacted Elements in Naval CES: 3.1.3, 3.3.3, 3.6.3, and 3.7.3
Infrastructure Universe
Addition of MCICOM's Certified Obligations (Marine Corps) data for FY11 - FY12
Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY15 OARS data quarterly refresh
FY15 NDE Modernization data quarterly refresh
FY13-FY15 Littoral Combat Ship Program Office Seaframe Sustainment Data
FY15 Littoral Combat Ship Program Office Mission Module Data
Additional updates in Detailed Ships only:
Refreshed ESWBS and EIC description dictionaries
Updated ESWBS description rules to account for class-specific descriptions
Updated EIC cleanup steps and added 'Original EIC'
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY15 OARS data quarterly refresh

July 2016v15.2.1

VAMOSC migrated to a new hosting environment. During migration, user account applications and renewals were temporarily suspended. This migration effort is complete with full user functionality restored with the exception of accessing VAMOSC with ECAs. Please contact us at if you experience any issues.
If you emailed us between 12 July and 25 July, please resend as our email was not functional during this time period.

Infrastructure Universe
Addition of MCICOM's Certified Obligations (Marine Corps) data for FY13 - FY15

24 June 2016v15.2

Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY15 OARS data quarterly refresh
FY15 NDE Modernization data quarterly refresh
FY15 Field Change data added [Ships only]
FY15 MILPERS data updated for LCS Multiple Crew CONOPS [Ships only]
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY15 OARS data quarterly refresh
Aviation Universes
Updated NIIN Nomenclature in NAMSR Plus
Addition of FY03-FY15 CNATT COMS Costs in ATMSR 97-Present
Reprocessing FY05-FY06 Operator COMS Costs in ATMSR 97-Present

25 March 2016v15.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY15 data
Ships Depot Availability Universe
Ships and Detailed Ships Universe Other Fleet Modernization data for Mine, Auxiliary, Amphibious, Command and Patrol Craft
Ships Universe Navigation Rework for WSN-7
Ships Universe costs and counts provided by the shipboard systems program offices
Inflation tables for all universes were updated with the PB17 Joint Inflation Calculator
Shipboard Systems, Ships & Detailed Ships Universes
FY15 OARS data quarterly refresh
FY15 NDE Modernization data quarterly refresh
FY13-FY14 Ships Universe costs and counts corrections provided by the shipboard systems program offices [Ships only]
FY05-FY15 MCM Crew remapping as a result of new CONOPS for Bahrain and San Diego MCMs [Ships only]
FY10-FY11 correction to O & I Level Maintenance CY/Month dimension (no change to the cost or counts) [Detailed Ships only]
FY10-FY14 correction to duplicated Advanced Planning & procurement costs identified by the provider [Ships & Detailed Ships only]
Military Sealift Command Universes
FY15 OARS data quarterly refresh
FY15 Maritime Prepositioning Ships and associated allocations updated to include two additional ships not captured during the annual update [USNS SACAGAWEA and USNS LEWIS AND CLARK]
FY02-FY15 breakout of CAPE Element 4.3 Sustaining/Systems Engineering and 4.4 Program Management (previously captured under 4.3 Sustaining/Systems Engineering & Program Management
Aviation Universes
Updated Descriptive information in NAMSR/NAMSR Plus for Type Equipment Code, Action Org Code, JCN Org Code, and NIIN
Reprocessed FY11-FY14 Support Equipment Costs in ATMSR using updated raw data-TMS mapping

28 February 2016v15.0.2

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY15 data
Shipboard Systems Universe
ATMSR 97-Present
WSR Harpoon Data
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY13 and FY14 Program Office Costs and Count corrections requested by the program office
FY10-14 annual refresh of public shipyard mission funded data
FY15 breakout of program office software maintenance costs *new*
FY15 Program Office Staffing *new*

28 January 2016v15.0.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY15 data
Aviation Type Model Series Reporting (To be released in mid February)
FY15 Flying Hours in NAMSR and NAMSR Plus
Ships Universe
Detailed Ships Universe - Additional Other FMP data for submarines; Final set of private shipyard data not available at the initial release
Military Sealift Command Universe - Annual military personnel cost and number of personnel update for FY15
Ships and Detailed Ships Universes
Updated FY14 military personnel to align with the MILPERS Universe (Ships)
Updated FY09-14 LCS class military personnel cost and number of personnel with newly acquired blue/gold crew breakout (Ships)
Addition of FY14 FDRMC Rota, Spain private shipyard costs (Detailed Ships, Ships)
Corrected calculation error in ship age [CVN-0065, DDG-0064, DDG-0074, DDG-0087, FFG-0029, FFG-0036, FFG-0037, FFG-0038, FFG-0057, FFG-0058, MCM-0005, MCM-0010, SSN-0753, SSN-0760] (Detailed Ships, Ships)
Civilian Personnel Universe
Updated FY2013-FY2014 Average Government Benefits for pay plans "WM" and "WN"
Updated FY2009-FY2014 Average Government Benefits for pay plan "WD"
USMC Ground Equipment Universe
Addition of FY2015 Anomalies and Deficiencies for Inventory and Depot Maintenance folders

December 2015v15.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY15 data
USMC Ground Equipment Universe (Ammunition, Inventory and Depot Maintenance Folders Only)
Civilian Personnel Universe
Infrastructure Universe
Military Personnel Universe (Monthly)
Military Personnel Universe (Annual)
Detailed Ships Universe
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Weapon Systems Reporting (WSR) Universe (FY15 Harpoon Data will be migrated at a later date)
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR Plus) Universe
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
Hull Designation updated for ESD, ESB, EPF (previously MLP, MLP AFSB, JHSV)
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
FY14 NDE Navy Modernization data quarterly update
Annual refresh of public shipyard mission funded data for FY10-FY14 (Detailed Ships, Ships)
Update to the shipboard systems universe software metrics folder to standardize the system naming conventions
Military Personnel Universe (Annual and Monthly)
Updated FY14 Accrued Leave Pay and Separation Pay

September 2015v14.3

Aviation Type Model Series Reporting Universes
FY09-FY14 Planned Aircraft Counts added to ATMSR 97-Present
Ships and Detailed Ships Universes
Added Shipboard Systems Program Office Costs to the Ships Universe (Ship Universe only)
Updated FY08-13 Other FM for newly received DDG Modernization data
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
FY14 NDE Navy Modernization data quarterly update
Modified the Availability Type Codes in Public Shipyard, Private Shipyards, and Ship Repair Facility Folders to provide a breakout of Continuous Maintenance and Emergent Maintenance (Detailed Ships Universe only)
Updated Public Shipyard, Private Shipyard and Ship Repair Facilities business rules to better identify and remove disposal costs from the Universes
Added a Disposal Cost Corporate document for Public Shipyard, Private Shipyard and Ship Repair Facilities data to provide those disposal costs that are not included in the Ship Universes
Refreshed FY14 ammunition data to include additional parent command costs that can be attributed to the firing unit
Updated the process for FY03-14 ammunition data to no longer exclude NALCs 3410 or 3412 and to include ammunition tracked by NIIN vice NALC
Updated FY10-14 Other FM allocated cost process for partial year ship weighting and for CVNs allocations based on appropriation categories
Updated FY03-09 Other FM Allocated Costs per business rules of allocating based on total FM
Added Other FM Detailed Description dimension to Detailed Ships to provide additional details into the costs reported
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
Updated FY04 ammunition costs to account for an Activity UIC associated with Keystone State (T-ACS-1) not previously captured
Shipboard Systems Universe
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
FY14 NDE Navy Modernization data quarterly update
Refreshed FY14 ammunition data to include additional parent command costs that can be attributed to the firing unit
USMC Ground Equipment Universe
Added Anomalies and Deficiencies for Inventory, Depot Maintenance and Ammunition folders

June 2015v14.2

Ships, Detailed Ships, and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
FY14 NDE Navy Modernization data quarterly update
Received data for FY14 Field Change Data (Ships)
Implementation of the updated CAPE 14 Cost Element Structure (Ships/Shipboard Systems)
Expanded shipboard systems Program Office reporting for Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) to include the AN/USG-3 Airborne CEC (Program office costs applicable to both shipboard and airborne variants)
Updated level of detail provided in shipboard systems to present the system MOD/variant and hull/activity ***NEW***
Military Sealift Command Universes
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
Implementation of the updated CAPE 14 Cost Element Structure
USMC Ground Equipment Universe
Updated Ammunition data (FY02 - FY14) to include additional costs
Expanded level of detail provided in Depot folder (FY02 - FY14) to breakout cost and units completed by depot type (Commercial, DMISA, Organic)
Converted MCBUL Status into yearly dependent list. MCBUL status now reflects status based on MCBUL 3000 for each given year.
Weapon Systems Reporting Universe
Addition of CAPE 14 Cost Element Structure
Aviation Type Model Series Reporting Universes
Implementation of the updated CAPE 14 Cost Element Structure
Naval Aviation Subsystems Reporting Universes
Updating of WUC and WUC Descriptions in NAMSR and NAMSR Plus
Updating of Part Number and CAGE in NAMSR Plus
Addition of FY14 Flying Hours in NAMSR and NAMSR Plus
Updated Navy Indirect cost elements to include "Professional Training"
Removed OMN portions of "Officer Acquisition" and "Basic Training" to avoid overlap with "Training" indirect element
Removed "Medical" indirect element to avoid overlap with "Healthcare (AD and AD FM)" indirect element

April 2015v14.1.1

Annual Updates: METEOR Models updated with FY 14 data
Navy Ships Model
Aviation Squadrons Model
Navy Personnel Model
USMC Personnel Model
Civilian Personnel Model
  These models can be accessed from the METEOR homepage, and their respective documentation is available here

March 2015v14.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY14 data
Ship Depot Availability Universe
USMC Ground Equipment Universe (FY13 and FY14 data for Inventory, Ammunition, and Depot Folders)
Ships, Detailed Ships, Depot Availability and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
FY14 NDE Navy Modernization data quarterly update
Received data for FY14 LSD Other FM data (Detailed Ships, Ships)
Received data for FY14 WSN-7 Navigation Rework (Ships)
Corrections to shipboard systems program office costs for MK-34 Gun Weapon System, Cooperative Engagement Capability, and MK-41 Vertical Launch System
Depot Availability Universe implementation of public shipyard mission funded accounting change refreshed data
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY14 OARS data quarterly update
Military Personnel Universes
Corrections to FY 2003 (10/2002 through 12/2002) Invalid PRA codes in the Navy Enlisted folder
USMC Ground Equipment Universe
Corrections to TAMCN-DODIC mapping (FY02 - FY11)

February 2015v14.0.2

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY14 data
Shipboard Systems Universe
Aviation Type Model Series Reporting Universe (ATMSR)
Inflation tables were updated with the PB16 Joint Inflation Calculator (Shipboard Systems and ATMSR)
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
Annual refresh of shipboard system public shipyard mission funded data for FY09-FY13
Received data for FY14 LCC-19CL Other FM data
Received data for FY14 WSN-2 and WSN-5 Navigation Rework
Received data for FY14 Depth Detector Rework
Addition of shipboard systems data for the AN/SLQ-60 SEAFOX Mine Neutralization System, Navy Multiband Terminal (NMT), AN/USQ-208 CANES (Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services)
Weapon Systems Universe
Entered additional anomalies for FY13 and FY14 Data
Made several corrections to FY13 and FY14 Air Launched Missile and Torpedo Data

January 2015v14.0.1

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY14 data
Ships Universe
Detailed Ships Universe: Additional Other FMP data for Mine, Auxiliary, Amphibious, Command, and Patrol Craft
Inflation tables were updated with the PB16 Joint Inflation Calculator (with the exception of Shipboard Systems and ATMSR)
Military Sealift Command Universe
Updated FY14 standard composite rate for intermediate-level labor costs based on FY14 military personnel annual update
Annual military personnel cost and number of personnel update for FY14 and FY13
Added costs for MSC commercial helicopters for fiscal years 2011-2014
Ships and Detailed Ships Universes
Annual military personnel cost and number of personnel update for FY13
Updated FY14 Other FM data with newly received DDG Modernization Costs
Military Personnel Universes
Corrected inflated FICA and PCS counts for December 2013 (FY14) by removing duplicate records (Navy and Marine Officers).
Corrected FY 14 Accrued Leave Pay for Navy Enlisted, Marine Enlisted and Marine Officers.
Corrected FY 14 BAH (1.2.2) for all folders (Navy Officer, Navy Enlisted, Marine Officer, Marine Enlisted).
Updated FY 14 Anomalies and Deficiencies (Annual Universe Only).

December 2014v14.0

Annual Updates: Universes updated with FY14 data
Civilian Personnel Universe
Detailed Ships Universe
Infrastructure Universe
Military Personnel Universe (Monthly)
Military Personnel Universe (Annual)
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Weapons System Reporting (WSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR Plus) Universe
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY13 OARS data quarterly update
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY13 OARS data quarterly update
FY13 NDE Navy Modernization data quarterly update
Annual refresh of public shipyard mission funded data for FY09-FY13 (Detailed Ships, Ships)
Breakout of VIRGINIA Class submarines by Flight/Block (all years) (Detailed Ships, Ships)
New folder with monthly breakout of fuel and operational metrics for FY13-FY14 (Detailed Ships)
New elements "N.0 - Days Available" and "P.0 - Months in OPCON" provide additional operational metrics and method to parse out deployed ships (Ships)
Added Flight/Block breakout to Class Averages folder (Ships)
Military Personnel Universe (Annual and Monthly)
Re-processing of FY13 MERHC using revised rates
Updated FY13 Accrued Leave Pay and Separation Pay

September 2014v13.3

Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY13 OARS data quarterly update
FY13 Navy Modernization.NET module (formerly FMPMIS) data quarterly update
FY13 Other FM for command ship LCC-0019 (Detailed Ships, Ships)
Updated F.0 Barrels of Fuel Consumed for FY1990-1984 and E.0 Hours Steaming for 1984 for missing data (Ships)
Updated Data Anomalies and Deficiencies (Ships)
Addition of shipboard systems data for the AN/SPQ-15 Data Distribution System (DDS)
Corrected possible duplicate costs in Shipboard Systems Navy element for data in FY 1999, 1997, and 1996
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY13 OARS data quarterly update
FY02-13 Military Personnel Universe costs added to MSC Universe
FY02-13 number of military personnel data source shifted from MSC N11 to the FTE re-ported in VAMOSC Military Personnel Universe
Updated Data Anomalies and Deficiencies
ATMSR Universe
Updated FY08-FY13 Maintenance Training Costs
Addition of Data Anomalies and Deficiencies into Universe
NAMSR and NAMSR Plus Universes
Front end changes that combined AC and Engine TM, TMS, and TEC with an additional field that flags a TMS as Aircraft or Engine
Addition of Data Anomalies and Deficiencies into Universe
Weapons and Annual Military Personnel Universes
Addition of Data Anomalies and Deficiencies into Universe
Naval VAMOSC website
Updates to the�VAMOSC website�Public Resources�include�but are not limited to a section for Fact File resources in the Links page, and new Sample Data pages available for Infrastructure and Personnel Universes. �Additionally, a link was added to the Reference Material in the left�sidebar�for Release Notes on each of the VAMOSC updates.

July 2014v13.2.2

ATMSR Universe
Updated FY13 Military Personnel Costs and Counts Data
Updated FY11 and FY12 Military Personnel Costs Data to reflect changes made in the MILPERS Universe to FY12 and FY13 Separation Pay for Marine Officer, Marine Enlisted, and Navy Officer (Active Duty and Reserve)
Updated FY13 Training Expendable Stores Costs to capture additional costs
Ships Universe
Updated Military Personnel costs with corrections to Separation Pay for FY12 to FY13 and Allowances for FY13

July 2014v13.2.1

Military Personnel Universes
Updated FY12 and FY13 Separation Pay for Marine Officer, Marine Enlisted, and Navy Officer (Active Duty and Reserve) to account for new data source format changes and corrected errors in FY13 BAH and FSA

June 2014 v13.2

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY13 data
Military Personnel Annual
Military Personnel Monthly
Military Personnel Universes
Correct instances of dropped Separation Pay and Accrued Leave Pay for FY 11 and FY 12 (applicable to Active Duty only)
Aviation ATMSR Universe
Updated FY13 Maintenance Training Costs
Processing continues on FY13 Military Personnel Costs and Counts and Training Expendable Stores Costs. These are expected to be released at the end of July 2014. Watch the VAMOSC home webpage for updates.
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY13 OARS data quarterly update
FY13 FMPMIS data quarterly update
FY13 Other FM data for Mine, Auxiliary, Amphibious, Command and Patrol Craft (Detailed Ships and Ships)
FY13 Field Change, Military Personnel, PCS and Training data (Ships)
FY12 correction to military personnel separation pay
Updated public shipyard process to remove duplicate ESWBS-level costs and account for shipyard accounting changes (Detailed Ships, Ships and Shipboard Systems)
Addition of shipboard systems data for MK-38 Machine Gun System, MK-46 30MM Gun Weapon System, MK-110 57MM Gun Mount, MK-34 Gun Weapon System
Addition of Anomaly and Deficiency dimensions (Ships and Shipboard Systems) ***NEW***
System MOD and variant breakout in Shipboard System Ship Configuration folder ***NEW***
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY13 OARS data quarterly update

April 2014v13.1.1

Military Sealift Command Universe
Updated FY13 Manpower counts for the Combat Logistics Force and Prepositioning Programs with a revised submission from the data provider, correcting misreported military personnel numbers

March 2014v13.1

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY13 data
Ships Depot Availability Universe
ATMSR Universe
Updated FY13 Support Equipment, Commercial Engine Repair, and Inter-service Engine Repair with corrections to allocations
NAMSR and NAMSR Plus Universes
Corrected instances of Null Type Maintenance Code for FY12 and FY13
Updated JCN and ACT Org Code Names, Types, and Claimants
Updated FY13 flying hours data
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY13 OARS data quarterly update
FY13 FMPMIS data quarterly update
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY13 OARS data quarterly update

February 2014v13.0.2

Annual Update
Inflation Indices were updated with the FY15 Joint Inflation Calculator
ATMSR Universe
Updated FY13 Flying Hours, Fuel Consumption, Fuel Costs, AVDLR Costs, Support Supplies Costs, and CLS Costs
Ships and Detailed Ships Universes
FY13 Annual Update publication data from NLL in Ships
FY13 Annual Update Other FM data for surface ships in Ships and Detailed Ships

January 2014v13.0.1

Annual Update
Ships Universe
Detailed Ships Universe: Additional Commercial Industrial Services (CIS) and Other FMP data for submarines
Shipboard Systems Universe
Aviation Type Model Series (ATMSR) Universe
Flying Hours Folder in NAMSR/NAMSR Plus
Military Sealift Command Universe
An enhancement to the Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe creates two additional dimensions, which provide anomalies and deficiencies tailored to the queried data. All anomalies and deficiencies continue to be recorded in the Ship and MSC Anomalies and Data Deficiencies document. The MSC corporate documents have been updated to include these new dimensions. Additional information can be found in the MSC User Manual.

December 2013v13.0

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY13 data
Civilian Personnel Universe
Detailed Ships Universe
Infrastructure Universe
Military Personnel Universe (Monthly)
Military Personnel Universe (Annual)
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Weapons System Reporting (WSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR Plus) Universe
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY12 OARS data quarterly update
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY12 OARS data quarterly update
FY12 FMPMIS data quarterly update
FY10-12 corrections to private shipyard depot data in Ships and Detailed Ships
ATMSR Universe
Corrected mapping of Component Repair costs for VH-3D and VH-60N

September 2013v12.3

Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY12 OARS data quarterly update
FY12 FMPMIS data quarterly update
Refreshed FY12 ammunition data to include additional SM2 missile data
Addition of Ship Class Flight/Block in Ships and Detailed Ships
FY85-FY90 Steaming hours updated to patch a gap in cold iron hours in Ships
Corrected FY11 error in NETPDTC personnel in Shipboard Systems
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY12 OARS data quarterly update
Expansion of ship organization with breakout by Category, MSC Program, and Ship Type
Cost baseline for the Ships model was refreshed using FY�08-FY�12 data from Military Personnel Universe as the source for direct costs
DoD Composite Rates were refreshed with FY12 rates
All the models reflect Indirect costs from the DoDI 7041.04 Military Cost elements and data sources
All models use the NCA FY14 Inflation indices calculator found on the NCA website

June 2013v12.2

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY12 data
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR Plus) Universe
Ship Depot Availability Universe
Shipboard Systems Universe: updated program office data for submarine radars (BPS-15 and BPS-16) and the MK-75 Gun
Ships Universe: Field Change data
Expanded CAPE 07 Cost Element Structures
The Aviation, Ships, Shipboard Systems, and Military Sealift Command Universes were all updated with a VAMOSC expanded version of the CAPE 07 Cost Element Structure.
ATMSR Universe
FY12 Intermediate Personnel Costs have been reprocessed
FY05-FY12 Training Expendable Stores Costs have been reprocessed
FY06 & FY10 Organic Depot Aircraft Rework Costs were reprocessed
FY07 & FY10 Organic Depot Engine Rework Costs were reprocessed
FY10 Organic Aircraft Emergency Repair Costs were reprocessed
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY12 OARS quarterly update
FY12 FMPMIS quarterly update
Addition of a new element: MOS Occupational Group
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY12 OARS data quarterly update
Addition of the Detailed MSC Expenditure folder, providing MSC Expenditure Type Code level of detail for the costs provided by the MSC FMIS.
Addition of new elements: Locality Pay Area (LPA) and OPM Occupational Group
Addition of new descriptive elements: Sub-Element Code Description and Functional Classification Code Description
Addition of a descriptive tag to Functional Area Code (i.e. 1 � Force and Fleet)
METEOR Civilian Personnel *** NEW MODEL ***
METEOR USMC Personnel *** NEW MODEL ***
METEOR Navy Personnel *** NEW MODEL ***
METEOR Aviation Squadrons *** NEW MODEL ***

March 2013v12.1

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY12 data
Inflation Indices were updated with the FY14 Joint Inflation Calculator
Shipboard Systems Universe: updated program office data for WSC-6, Mk-41 VLS, SQQ-89, Submarine Radar and Submarine ESM Systems
Shipboard Systems Universe: Planning Estimates for SERMC Jacksonville and SRF Yokosuka
Ships and Detailed Ships Universes: SRF Yokosuka data
ATMSR Universe
FY04-FY11 Updates on ATMSR Modification Costs
FY12 Flying Hours, AVDLR, Support Supplies, CLS, Fuel, and Fuel Consumption updates on EA-18G
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY12 OARS data quarterly update
FY12 FMPMIS data quarterly update
FY12 Fuel data updated in Ships and Shipboard Systems with missing months previously not available
Addition of Shipboard Systems Software Metrics populated with data from FY12 *** NEW ***
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY12 OARS data quarterly update

January 2013v12.0.1

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY12 data
Ships Universe
Detailed Ships Universe: Additional Other FMP data

December 2012v12.0

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY12 data
Civilian Personnel Universe
Detailed Ships Universe
Infrastructure Universe
Military Personnel Universe (Monthly)
Military Personnel Universe (Annual)
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Weapons System Reporting (WSR) Universe
ATMSR Universe
FY09-FY10 DMDC Costs and Counts (1.1.1.x, 2.1.1.x,, 1.2.6.x,, 2.2.1.x, P1.x) Reprocessing using updated MILPERS data as well as a new RUC-MCC-UIC Dictionary
For Intermediate personnel costs 2.x, remove AO as a Maintenance rating from ship activities from FY09-FY10. This causes a reduction in Intermediate Personnel costs for Navy Enlisted
Reprocessed FY03-FY08 Component repair using new methodology introduced in Sept QU
Updated AC Count and Averages from FY02-FY07 due to updated dictionaries
Added element for UIC City & State
Implemented VAMOSC Master UIC list to standardize UIC descriptions
MILPERS (Monthly & Annual)
Added element for UIC City & State to all 4 folders
Implemented VAMOSC Master UIC list to standardize UIC descriptions
Infrastructure Universe
Added element for UIC City & State to iNFADS and CNIC folders
Implemented VAMOSC Master UIC list to standardize UIC descriptions
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY11 OARS data quarterly update
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY11 OARS data quarterly update
FY11 FMPMIS data quarterly update
FY08-11 Planning and Procurement data for Pacific Fleet aircraft carriers was obtained and processed into the Ships and Detailed Ships Universes

September 2012v11.3

Multiple Universes
Standardized UIC descriptions throughout Military Personnel Monthly & Annual, Civilian Personnel, Infrastructure, and USMC Ground Equipment Universes. Navy UIC descriptions based primarily on FMR Chapter 5 descriptions. USMC UIC descriptions based primarily on Hold UIC descriptions
Added element for UIC City & State with standardized descriptions to Military Personnel Monthly & Annual, Civilian Personnel and Infrastructure Universes for Navy UICs based on FMR Chapter 5 City and State elements
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY11 OARS quarterly update
FY11 FMPMIS quarterly update
Corrected deficiencies in the processing of private shipyard data for FY02-11
ATMSR Universe
Reprocessed FY05-FY10 Organic Depot Costs, removing USAF and Modification Costs
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY11 OARS quarterly update
Updated the mapping of MSC Financial Management System Expenditure Type Codes to the Cost Element Structure for FY02-11
Cost baseline was refreshed using for FY07-FY11 data from Military Personnel Universe as the source
The methodology of calculating average pay per person within a class was changed to spread all payments to all FTEs irrespective of the type of pay element, as in, one time bonus vs. regular monthly payments (refer to METEOR documentation for additional details)

June 2012v11.2

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY11 data
Ship Depot Availability
The CNO List of Scheduled Availabilities was reviewed and duplicate availabilities were removed. Additional procedural steps were implemented to remove duplicates in the future
The final output of the data in each of the folders (Public Shipyards, Private Shipyards, and Ship Repair Facilities) was reviewed for duplicate and unusually small final availability costs and abnormalities were removed.
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY11 OARS data quarterly update
FY11 FMPMIS data quarterly update
FY11 NEURS Data was refreshed to include missing months of data that has been collected since the annual update
FY10 and FY11 Fuel Costs: A data deficiency with the FY11 Atlantic Fleet Surface Ships fuel costs and FY10 and FY11 fuel costs for LCS-2 were corrected
FY02-FY11 Military Personnel and PCS data was refreshed to incorporate updates to the Military Personnel Universe
MILPERS (Monthly & Annual)
Updated RUC/MCC descriptions in USMC folders. Updated 746 descriptions. Identified descriptions for 123 previously unknown RUC/MCC descriptions.
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY11 OARS data quarterly update

May 2012v11.1.2

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY11 data
USMC Ground Equipment Universe
Complete refresh of Parts & Labor data for FY08, FY09, and FY10
Added Item Designator Number (IDN) element to Labor folder to give more visibility into the variant of the equipment inducted into maintenance
Updated UNIT NAMES with UIC descriptions from various sources to make the descriptions more comprehensive
Updated TAMCN reportable list and FA Codes to reflect April 2012 Marine Corps Bulletin 3000. 549 TAMCN are now tracked by VAMOSC
Renamed RUC to Hold UIC in Labor and Parts folders to make it consistent with nomenclature used by the community
ATMSR Universe
Reprocessed FY02-FY11 Military Personnel Costs and Counts
Reprocessed FY11 Organic Depot Costs (Aircraft and Engine)
Reprocessed FY10 Maintenance Training Data

April 2012v11.1.1

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY11 data
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR Plus) Universe
MILPERS (Monthly & Annual)
Combined all BHA/VHA costs into a single summed BAH element for all years to correct misreporting of BHA costs as VHA costs
Combined FSA Type 1 and FSA Type 2 into FSA for all years to reflect current regulations
Removed Special Pay Designator; deemed not required
Renamed to Clothing/Uniform Allowance, to Special Pay - Medical Corps and to Special Pay - Medical Corps (Reserves) to clarify meaning
Re-allocated Marine Corps PCS for all years to derive and apply allocated budget dollars only to USMC personnel designated as Active Duty (i.e. not Part Time Reservists)
Infrastructure Universe
Medical Center iNFADS data for Medical Centers has been refreshed to correct a deficiency in the data provider's submission of FY2011 data
Standardized UIC descriptions in the iNFADS Activity UICs and Maintenance Responsible UICs to reflect 'latest year's data' description across all years in the folder

March 2012v11.1

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY11 data
Shipboard Systems Universe: updated program office data for WSC-6 and SYQ-20
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY11 OARS data quarterly update
FY11 FMPMIS data quarterly update
FY10 Shipboard Systems corrections based on data collected during the FY11 annual update
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY11 OARS data quarterly update

February 2012v11.0.2

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY11 data
ATMSR 97 � Present
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting (NAMSR) Universe
Naval Aviation Maintenance Subsystem Reporting Plus (NAMSR Plus) Universe
Shipboard Systems Universe
Inflation Indices were updated with the FY13 Joint Inflation Calculator
Ships Universe: Field Change data and STARS Repair Parts data for submarines

January 2012v11.0.1

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY11 data
Ships Universe
Detailed Ships Universe: SRF Yokosuka and Other FMP data for submarines
ATMSR Universe
FY02-FY10 ATMSR DMDC Costs and Counts

December 2011v11.0

Annual Update: Universes updated with FY11 data
Civilian Personnel Universe
Detailed Ships Universe
Infrastructure Universe
Military Personnel Universe (Monthly)
Military Personnel Universe (Annual)
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Universe
Weapons System Reporting (WSR) Universe
Aviation Universes
FY02-FY09 DMDC Costs and Counts (1.1.1.x, 2.1.1.x,, 1.2.6.x,, 2.2.1.x, P1.x) Reprocessing using updated MILPERS data, new UIC-TEC/Expanded UIC-TEC dictionaries (FY02-FY07) as well as new RUC-MCC-UIC Dictionary
For Intermediate personnel costs 2.x, remove AO as a Maintenance rating from ship activities from FY02-FY10. This causes a reduction in Intermediate Personnel costs for Navy Enlisted
Reprocessed FY03-FY08 Component repair using new methodology introduced in Sept QU
Updated AC Count and Averages from FY02-FY07 due to updated dictionaries
Ships, Detailed Ships and Shipboard Systems Universes
FY10 OARS data quarterly update
FY10 FMPMIS data quarterly update
Military Sealift Command Universe
FY10 OARS data quarterly update
FY07-10 reprocessing of Element 2.2 for MPS Ships removing costs based on a revised submission from the data provider.
Adjusted Government Burdening Methodology for 1.2 Cost Elements